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A few more shearwaters, South Atlantic, November 2018 (1 Viewer)

Take this with a pinch of salt, but at a glance my first thoughts are maybe a load of Manx Shearwaters and perhaps a Trindade Petrel for #2
Presumably the larger bird in the first photo is great shearwater (dark cap, light collar and band on tail: not a species I've seen)
These are mostly Manx Shearwaters including the one with the anomalous white spot on the wing. The first photo includes a Great Shearwater.
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The Petrel looks like Atlantic to me, but it's not easy from the limited pixels available!
White belly, dark breast band with some white on the throat, dark upper parts. Wedge shaped dark tail.
The Petrel looks like Atlantic to me, but it's not easy from the limited pixels available!
White belly, dark breast band with some white on the throat, dark upper parts. Wedge shaped dark tail.

Could be. Depends how we interpret the colour of the underwing from this image. Any more pics of this bird?
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