• Welcome to BirdForum, the internet's largest birding community with thousands of members from all over the world. The forums are dedicated to wild birds, birding, binoculars and equipment and all that goes with it.

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A newbie says "hi" (1 Viewer)


I am Tobi and I am new to the birding community. This summer I discovered my interest in birding when I started observing my surrounding in nature more closely. It actually started photographing butterflies and led me to the fascination of birds. I bought two books and a binocular and began to watch and identify them.
I quickly realized that I want to combine this hobby with my hobby as a photographer, so I just ordered a 200-600mm lens. I also think it might help me much better to identify the birds better, because I can look closely at the picture at home and try to compare them with the description and pictures in my books.

I hope to meet some nice people and maybe the opportunity to get together for a field trip! I am located in southeast PA.

BTW, We have a Bird I D section on the Forum so if you get pictures, it will be a lot easier to name it if you upload an image of it ;)

I strongly suggest that you click on the Forums Tab at the top of any page and familiarize yourself with all the categories that we have.
BTW, We have a Bird I D section on the Forum so if you get pictures, it will be a lot easier to name it if you upload an image of it ;)

I strongly suggest that you click on the Forums Tab at the top of any page and familiarize yourself with all the categories that we have.
Thank you KC Foggin,

I haven't received the lens yet and I am pretty sure my first pictures will be horrible :D But I will make myself familiar with the forum for sure :)
Hi Tobi and a warm welcome from me too. I hope we may be able to see some of your pictures in the Gallery too.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I hope to hear about all the birds you see when out and about.
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