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abandoned hummingbird nest (thoughts?) (1 Viewer)


New member
i hope this is the correct forum to post this... apologies if not... a few weeks ago i noticed a hummingbird nest up on my string of lights on my balcony. i noticed a hummingbird hanging around before then and then realized there was a nest.

she sat and did her thing and was around for a week or maybe more... adorable... then i noticed she was gone a lot... came back for a few nights then gone... then she was just gone... i saw her around a few days but she kept distant from the nest

i chalked it up to the eggs were not fertilized or something

then to my absolute horror... i looked at the nest from below and saw something sticking out of it and it's two baby hummingbirds dead... their beaks are the only thing i can see sticking straight up... such a sad image...

just trying to figure out what could have been the issue...
Any evidence of ants around the nest? In the South we have fire ants and I have heard they will kill baby birds.
Any evidence of ants around the nest? In the South we have fire ants and I have heard they will kill baby birds.

actually good news... i thought she took off but i noticed a week later the birds are getting bigger... so today i saw them move for the first time... never seen the mom feed them but she's been around a lot more the last few days. so all is good :)
WOW - Similar thing here neighbor.

Hi Dommy,

I too have a Hummingbird nest on my patio. (Tucson, AZ) She set up her nest on my lower string of lights on MY balcony. Not kidding. My question is why? Does the patio and light string offer a more secure area? She picked the side that was inside my entrance. Also, I normally turn the lights on at night. They are little white lights, but throw off heat. I have not turned them on feeling the heat may hurt her nest/eggs. Maybe she wants the heat? Maybe it would help? Advice anyone?

I'm glad your bird babies are okay. Can't wait to see mine. You would be surprised what keeps me amused during "Stay at Home" orders. Hummingbirds, Roadrunners, lizards, beer, margaritas and wine. :eek!:
actually good news... i thought she took off but i noticed a week later the birds are getting bigger... so today i saw them move for the first time... never seen the mom feed them but she's been around a lot more the last few days. so all is good :)

Good. I have only seen one Hummingbird nest and it was about 50 ft up.
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