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United States
The Batten Kill River can be deep or shallow in the summer enough for a person to walk around in. The area I walked in was really shallow and then I heard a Belted Kingfisher call and got a few pictures of it on a dead tree branch across the river. That was the first ever time I've seen a Belted Kingfisher in person and looking back at the photos I believe its a male.
I tend to see more of a species variety compared to the backyard. When getting back in the forest and looked at an uprooted dead tree I saw a American Goldfinch sitting on a branch for a little bit, then, another bird I've seen on the same tree the Goldfinch was on, was an Eastern Wood Pewee. Yet again another bird species I could not recognize in the moment. When walking on the Abandoned Railroad adjacent to the Batten Kill I went down opposite directions of the railroad, on the shorter length of the Railroad my boyfriend and I saw a sleeping Barred Owl in a forest next to it, the first Owl I've seen in person. After a while he went back inside and I went to where it was sleeping, the Owl was not there anymore.
Going the other way down the railroad tracks I saw a Northern Cardinal in a short tree, after continuing down, there is a dead tree that two Red-winged Blackbirds were hanging out on, plus a Mourning Dove. Mourning Doves, Rock Pigeons and Red-winged Blackbirds are very common here since there is a large food source comprising of seeds and corn since those food sources are from a farm. I was very lucky to see such a variety of birds and get some good bird photos at the same time.


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