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Adapter for Coolpix 4500 and Leica televid APO 62 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I have bought a Coolpix 4500 and am in the process of buying a Leica Televid APO 62. What do I need to attach the camera to the scope. I have enquired at an optics shop in Adelaide but they told me Leica only make adapters for a Leica camera. I would very much appreciate some help. Thanks Julien
I have a Coopix 4500 and a Leica Televid 77 and I ordered my adapter from Eagle Optics in the UK. It was expensive but the service was excellent. Their web site lists all the adapters that they carry.
The problem with camera shops, here at least, is that they have never heard of digiscoping so when you ask them for a product they have no idea what you want.
Hi Julien,
As your dealer says, Leica only make an adapter for their own camera (which is pretty lame as a digiscoping camera), there are plenty of third-party devices around..... as Dan says, www.eagleeyeuk.com supplies a reliable device in sizes that will fit pretty well any scope around to the coolpix. There are some 'luxury' adapters out there that do cost quite a lot, Spidertech and Mr Cheang's for example. You can find links to these using the search feature on birdforum.net... but the eagleeye digimount should suffice for most.
Hi Guys,
Thanks very much for this invaluable information, I was getting to the stage of pulling my hair out. The scope hasn't arrived yet from OS but as soon as it does I will be in touch with Eagle Eye Optics. After all this expense I only hope I will be able to manage this exciting new method of bird photography.
One again many thanks
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