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Advice for a guided tour in the Corpus Christi area for non-birding family? (1 Viewer)


bird happy
I'm visiting a mostly non-birding family (dad is into it) for the holidays in Corpus Christi, and I love getting them out into nature to look at birds and wildlife. In the past, we've done a boat tour looking at the whooping cranes, and a tour of King Ranch to see the ferruginous pygmy owl. Those outings were both a big hit; we got awesome looks at both target birds, and everyone had a good time doing something offbeat for a day. Is there any other birding or nature day tour that someone would recommend for either the week before Thanksgiving or the week before Christmas that would be different from the first two? They do better with an expert telling them about the birds / habitat (and pointing and saying LOOK THERE), and taking us to birdier areas where it doesn't take much effort to look for the birds.
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