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Afocal: Can it be forced any sharper? (1 Viewer)

I have a Vortex "Viper" 65 HD, coupling a DSLR to the e.p. I'm struggling a bit with consistent results, but have had some very nice luck using 2 different DSLR macro lenses (legacy Vivitars from gosh knows the 1980's?). The f/2.8 performs best, it's a 35-80 zoom. My working theory of the moment is that macro lenses work well b/c the entrance pupil is within the front element.

But I think it's possible to get even sharper & more consistent shots:

1) A fixed-length astro eyepiece instead of the zoom e.p. I'm considering getting a Televue Delos, for its wide FOV & reasonably long eye relief.

2) A tack-sharp enlarger lens instead of a funky consumer macro lens.

An alternative to afocal photography would be to go with the "eyepiece projection" method that the astro people are using. They have an entire system worked out, including barlows, field flatteners & focal reducers.

Anyone's $0.02 are welcomed.


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