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Where premium quality meets exceptional value. ZEISS Conquest HDX.

An interview with Gerold Dobler, leader of the SF design team (1 Viewer)

That's true. I hope I can see a pair at the new Cabellas coming to my area.

I hope Cabelas will handle the new Zeiss models, I go to one in my area
several times a year. And 2 years after the Victory HT was introduced they
do not stock it. I always check.

Cabelas does promote the Euro HD, they do sell the Conquest, and well they
should, and Vortex must have some incentive for the salesmen, so they are featured.

Otherwise, Swarovski is the main attraction on the high end.

Henry and Holger

The objective doublet is indeed cemented, not air-spaced.


Thanks Lee,

for these additions. A cemented doublet, and a focusing lens made of CaF2 - the latter may travel away from its optimum position without introducing too much of CA, that's perhaps the idea behind that. I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of the 8x42, since I am curious to use it under the night sky!

I'm beginning to think this SF hype is just that: hype.

Not sure about that. I talked to a professional birder over here who had been invited to try a 10x42 SF for some time, and he was pretty enthusiastic about the SF. He really liked it. And he's not someone who's all that enthusiastic about any new bin you shove into his hands.

As far as I'm concerned, the really interesting question will be how the SF compares to the SV in the field, for instance with regard to how it handles difficult light conditions. And how it compares to the HT with regard to image quality in the centre.

I hope I'll be able to have a longish look at the SF sometime later this year to get some idea. Until then I'll reserve my judgement.

By the way, I find it quite amazing how some people seem to be able to say all sorts of things about a new binocular they've never seen let alone handled. Their crystal ball must be working *really* well. Probably made by an as yet unknown alpha manufacturer ... 3:)

I'm beginning to think this SF hype is just that: hype.

Count me out.


Bad products get hyped Mark, but so do good products.

Just because you are fed up with the hype, doesn't mean you wouldn't like the product.

Wait till you get your hands on one.

Maybe there is something new left to say about the SF between now and the time Zeiss releases it for sale but it will have to be real news. Otherwise there is nothing left concerning it except hype.
I had both the 8 and 10 power SF in hand today for possibly the first at home viewing session for a private individual. The image was absolutely otherworldly, almost as if I were being transported to the target of the binocular via some form of astral projection. All of the normal optical aberrations were completely absent making a 'review' completely unnecessary. Wait a minute, I'm finally clearing the cobwebs, it was all just a dream. I never can stay awake on Sunday afternoon.:-O

Maybe there is something new left to say about the SF between now and the time Zeiss releases it for sale but it will have to be real news. Otherwise there is nothing left concerning it except hype.
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