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Another budget scope request (1 Viewer)


Hello y'all

I know this is probably one of the most common threads but I'll try my luck with your wisdom ;)

I just broke my scope which was a Celestron Trailseeker 20-60x80. I actually used it a lot , unfortunately also without proper protection on long bike-birding tours (about 10-20 >50 km trips per year). I learned my lesson and will now protect my stuff better :)

So now to my new scope. My expectations are the following:

- price range <400 Euro
- same or better quality as the Celestron. I am actually not looking for something extremely good. I definitely know what to expect in that price range.
- water protection. I'll probably go to Ivory Coast for a few months next year and will live in very tropical environment

I am a student now so it's quite hard for me to actually afford something excellent. After this purchase I will definitely start saving though, so I can buy something good in 2 to 3 years.

I already found the vanguard endeavour 82a. That would be the top of my budget. I am just wondering if it's actually worth it or if I should go for something lower and start saving 😜

Happy about every piece of advice!


This kit probably fits the budget better - that MM4 listing doesn't include the eyepiece.

Definitely do the kit. The MM4 series is crazy light yet wonderful in the field. I have the MM4 50 and a 77 on the way. Amazing value and punchy optics to really enjoy.
Do you need the light gathering of a 80-85 mm scope? If you do not I would search for a 60-65 mm scope which is easier to pack for both bike riding and travel. The Opticron MM3 and MM4 seems like nice scopes, but they are seldom found in continental Europe. Another option is to go really light with something like a Kowa TSN-501 (which I use for hikes and travel) and then save some money for a better scope in the future.

BTW What broke on your Trailseeker 80? I have the same scope for use near the car and would like to know if there is a weak spot, so I can take proper care.
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Thank you for all your answers! I think I'll go for a cheaper option and save some money honestly for proper gear because I feel the difference between 200 and 400 euros won't be worth it for me. "Unfortunately" I have a trip coming up next week and I wanted to go for some shore birds so I'll definitely need one now.
I really liked having a 80 mm scope it really helped me look at some stuff at dusk and dawn.

My Trailseeker broke because the prisms fell out and there is no way I can access that part to put it back into place.
Thank you for all your answers! I think I'll go for a cheaper option and save some money honestly for proper gear because I feel the difference between 200 and 400 euros won't be worth it for me. "Unfortunately" I have a trip coming up next week and I wanted to go for some shore birds so I'll definitely need one now.
I really liked having a 80 mm scope it really helped me look at some stuff at dusk and dawn.

My Trailseeker broke because the prisms fell out and there is no way I can access that part to put it back into place.

I use and can recommend the 80mm Svbony SV406P. For its price you will not find anything better: ED glass, 1.25" astro eyepiece compatibility, 20-60x zoom, dual speed focus, rotating tripod collar.

Elsewhere in this forum I have posted digiscoped pictures taken with my Samsung Note 9 handheld, you can take a look. A bit of CA when digiscoping but none in visual use. As for sharpness, I can see the fuzz on a dragonfly's body and count the hairs on its legs.
I would also look at SVbony if I were in your situation. I don’t have their scope but I have their eyepieces. For the prices they’re not junk optics as some people perceive them to be.
So I wanted to give a quick update: first I ordered a cheap (150Euro) gosky scope. Which I sent back immediately after I tried it... And then I went for the recommended svbony even if it was at the very top of my budget but I have to say: wow! It's so good even in the 60x magnification. It gets darker the more you zoom and you have to adjust the focus but it's a wonderful clear picture with minimal blue edges. If I compare it to my previous Celestron Trailseeker it's like a completely other category even though the Celestron was just 100 Euros less.

So thank you all for you recommendation. This scope will my birdwatching experience so much better!
So I wanted to give a quick update: first I ordered a cheap (150Euro) gosky scope. Which I sent back immediately after I tried it... And then I went for the recommended svbony even if it was at the very top of my budget but I have to say: wow! It's so good even in the 60x magnification. It gets darker the more you zoom and you have to adjust the focus but it's a wonderful clear picture with minimal blue edges. If I compare it to my previous Celestron Trailseeker it's like a completely other category even though the Celestron was just 100 Euros less.

So thank you all for you recommendation. This scope will my birdwatching experience so much better!
Do consider also adding the 23mm aspheric eyepiece for <US$10. I think it's a useful complement to the 20-60x zoom eyepiece, to have a much wider and more immersive apparent field of view at 20x

Any vignetting with the longer focal length eyepieces… some scopes have small prisms and don’t like using long/wide angle eyepieces.

Any vignetting with the longer focal length eyepieces… some scopes have small prisms and don’t like using long/wide angle eyepieces.

No vignetting that I've noticed with SvBony's 18mm UFF or 23mm aspheric eyepieces, they work well for me so far.
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