Peter Kovalik
Well-known member

AOU-NACC Proposals 2023
2023-A-1b: Separate Golden-crowned Warbler Basileuterus culicivorus into as many as four species: Split the cabanisi group from auricapillus and hypoleucus
2023-A-1c: Separate Golden-crowned Warbler Basileuterus culicivorus into as many as four species: Split auricapillus from hypoleucus
2023-A-2: Treat Greater Antillean Nightjar Antrostomus cubanensis as two species
2023-A-3a: Treat Olive-crowned Yellowthroat Geothlypis semiflava as two or three species: Elevate chiriquensis to species rank
2023-A-3b: Treat Olive-crowned Yellowthroat Geothlypis semiflava as two or three species: Elevate bairdi to species rank
2023-A-3c: Treat Olive-crowned Yellowthroat Geothlypis semiflava as two or three species: Treat a combined chiriquensis and bairdi as a separate species from semiflava
2023-A-4: Treat Setophaga graysoni as a separate species from Tropical Parula S. pitiayumi
2023-A-5: Separate Hepatic Tanager Piranga flava into as many as five species
2023-A-6: Treat Antillean Tanager Stilpnia cucullata as two species
2023-A-7: Treat Flame-rumped Tanager Ramphocelus flammigerus as two species
2023-A-8: Treat Scarlet-rumped Cacique Cacicus uropygialis as two or three species
2023-A-9: Treat Sporophila ophthalmica as a separate species from Variable Seedeater S. corvina
2023-A-10: Treat Molothrus armenti as a separate species from Bronzed Cowbird M. aeneus
2023-A-11: Treat Icterus fuertesi as a separate species from Orchard Oriole I. spurius
2023-A-12: Treat Chlorothraupis frenata as a separate species from Carmiol’s Tanager C. carmioli
2023-A-13: Treat Melopyrrha taylori as a separate species from Cuban Bullfinch M. nigra
2023-A-14a: Revise the taxonomy of Green Parakeet Psittacara holochlorus: Split Red-throated Parakeet P. rubritorquis from P. holochlorus
2023-A-14b: Revise the taxonomy of Green Parakeet Psittacara holochlorus: Lump Pacific Parakeet P. strenuus with P. holochlorus
2023-A-14c: Revise the taxonomy of Green Parakeet Psittacara holochlorus: Reconsider the split of Socorro Parakeet P. brevipes
2023-A-15: Treat Eupsittula astec as a separate species from Olive-throated Parakeet E. nana
2023-A-16: Treat Amazona guatemalae as a separate species from Mealy Parrot A. farinosa
2023-A-17: Treat Amazona tresmariae as a separate species from Yellow-headed Parrot A. oratrix
2023-B-2: Transfer subspecies minor (and extralimital subspecies cinerascens) from Myiodynastes chrysocephalus to M. hemichrysus, thereby removing M. chrysocephalus from the Checklist
2023-B-3a: Modify the classification of the Rallidae: Transfer Micropygia schomburgkii to Rufirallus
2023-B-3b: Modify the classification of the Rallidae: Transfer Neocrex erythrops and N. colombianus to Mustelirallus
2023-B-3c: Modify the classification of the Rallidae: Transfer Cyanolimnas cerverai to Mustelirallus or Neocrex
2023-B-3d: Modify the classification of the Rallidae: Slightly alter the linear sequence
2023-B-4: Treat Poliocrania maculifer as a separate species from Chestnut-backed Antbird P. exsul
2023-B-5a: Treat Xiphorhynchus aequatorialis as a separate species from Spotted Woodcreeper X. erythropygius: Elevate aequatorialis (with punctigula and insolitus) to species rank (BirdLife treatment)
2023-B-5b: Treat Xiphorhynchus aequatorialis as a separate species from Spotted Woodcreeper X. erythropygius: Elevate both punctigula (with insolitus) and aequatorialis to species rank
2023-B-6a: Revise the taxonomy of Black-necked Stilt Himantopus mexicanus: Treat it as a subspecies of Black-winged Stilt H. himantopus
2023-B-6b: Revise the taxonomy of Black-necked Stilt Himantopus mexicanus: Treat current subspecies (i) melanurus and (ii) knudseni as separate species
2023-B-7a: Treat Chlorophonia sclateri, C. flavifrons, or both as separate species from Antillean Euphonia C. musica: Treat C. sclateri as a separate species from C. musica, retaining flavifrons as a subspecies of C. musica (two-species treatment, version 1)
2023-B-7b: Treat Chlorophonia sclateri, C. flavifrons, or both as separate species from Antillean Euphonia C. musica: Treat C. flavifrons as a separate species from C. musica, retaining sclateri as a subspecies of C. musica (two-species treatment, version 2)
2023-B-7c: Treat Chlorophonia sclateri, C. flavifrons, or both as separate species from Antillean Euphonia C. musica: Treat both C. sclateri and C. flavifrons as separate species (three-species treatment)
2023-B-8: Treat Corvus minutus as a separate species from Palm Crow C. palmarum
2023-B-9: Treat Cyanocorax luxuosus as a separate species from Green Jay C. yncas
2023-B-10: Transfer Tiny Hawk Accipiter superciliosus to the newly described genus Microspizias
2023-B-11: Treat Accipiter gentilis as a separate species from Northern Goshawk A. atricapillus
2023-B-12: Treat Aphelocoma sumichrasti as a separate species from Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay A. woodhouseii
2023-B-13: Treat Delichon lagopodum as a separate species from House Martin D. urbicum
2023-C-1b: Adopt the English name Velvety Manakin for L. velutina
2023-C-2: Transfer Thicket Antpitta Hylopezus dives to Myrmothera
2023-C-3: Treat American Three-toed Woodpecker Picoides dorsalis as a subspecies group of P. tridactylus
2024-C-4: Treat Colaptes aeruginosus as a separate species from Golden-olive Woodpecker C. rubiginosus
2023-C-5: Treat Melanerpes santacruzi as a separate species from Golden-fronted Woodpecker M. aurifrons
2023-C-6a: Treat Sclerurus obscurior as a separate species from Tawny-throated Leaftosser S. mexicanus
2023-C-6b: Treat S. pullus as a separate species from Tawny-throated Leaftosser S. mexicanus
2023-C-7a: Revise the taxonomy of Amaurospiza seedeaters: split Amaurospiza relicta from Blue Seedeater A. concolor
2023-C-7b: Revise the taxonomy of Amaurospiza seedeaters: lump A. concolor and A. carrizalensis with A. moesta
2023-C-7c: Revise the taxonomy of Amaurospiza seedeaters: split A. aequatorialis from A. concolor
2023-C-7d: Revise the taxonomy of Amaurospiza seedeaters: lump the five taxa as subspecies of A. moesta
2023-C-8: Treat Pipilo socorroensis as a separate species from Spotted Towhee P. maculatus
2023-C-9a: Revise generic limits among Rhodothraupis, Periporphyrus, and Caryothraustes: Adopt the following linear sequence: celaeno, erythromelas (extralimital), poliogaster, canadensis
2023-C-9b: Revise generic limits among Rhodothraupis, Periporphyrus, and Caryothraustes: Transfer Rhodothraupis celaeno to Periporphyrus
2023-C-9c: Revise generic limits among Rhodothraupis, Periporphyrus, and Caryothraustes: Transfer Rhodothraupis celaeno and Periporphyrus erythromelas to Caryothraustes
2023-C-10: Treat Pachyramphus uropygialis as a separate species from Gray-collared Becard P. major
2023-C-11: Treat Chlorospingus hypophaeus as a separate species from Yellow-throated Chlorospingus C. flavigularis
2023-C-12: Treat Melozone occipitalis as a separate species from White-eared Ground-Sparrow M. leucotis
2023-C-13: Treat Granatellus francescae as a separate species from Red-breasted Chat G. venustus
Proposals 2023-A
2023-A-1a: Separate Golden-crowned Warbler Basileuterus culicivorus into as many as four species: Split the culicivorus group from all South American populations2023-A-1b: Separate Golden-crowned Warbler Basileuterus culicivorus into as many as four species: Split the cabanisi group from auricapillus and hypoleucus
2023-A-1c: Separate Golden-crowned Warbler Basileuterus culicivorus into as many as four species: Split auricapillus from hypoleucus
2023-A-2: Treat Greater Antillean Nightjar Antrostomus cubanensis as two species
2023-A-3a: Treat Olive-crowned Yellowthroat Geothlypis semiflava as two or three species: Elevate chiriquensis to species rank
2023-A-3b: Treat Olive-crowned Yellowthroat Geothlypis semiflava as two or three species: Elevate bairdi to species rank
2023-A-3c: Treat Olive-crowned Yellowthroat Geothlypis semiflava as two or three species: Treat a combined chiriquensis and bairdi as a separate species from semiflava
2023-A-4: Treat Setophaga graysoni as a separate species from Tropical Parula S. pitiayumi
2023-A-5: Separate Hepatic Tanager Piranga flava into as many as five species
2023-A-6: Treat Antillean Tanager Stilpnia cucullata as two species
2023-A-7: Treat Flame-rumped Tanager Ramphocelus flammigerus as two species
2023-A-8: Treat Scarlet-rumped Cacique Cacicus uropygialis as two or three species
2023-A-9: Treat Sporophila ophthalmica as a separate species from Variable Seedeater S. corvina
2023-A-10: Treat Molothrus armenti as a separate species from Bronzed Cowbird M. aeneus
2023-A-11: Treat Icterus fuertesi as a separate species from Orchard Oriole I. spurius
2023-A-12: Treat Chlorothraupis frenata as a separate species from Carmiol’s Tanager C. carmioli
2023-A-13: Treat Melopyrrha taylori as a separate species from Cuban Bullfinch M. nigra
2023-A-14a: Revise the taxonomy of Green Parakeet Psittacara holochlorus: Split Red-throated Parakeet P. rubritorquis from P. holochlorus
2023-A-14b: Revise the taxonomy of Green Parakeet Psittacara holochlorus: Lump Pacific Parakeet P. strenuus with P. holochlorus
2023-A-14c: Revise the taxonomy of Green Parakeet Psittacara holochlorus: Reconsider the split of Socorro Parakeet P. brevipes
2023-A-15: Treat Eupsittula astec as a separate species from Olive-throated Parakeet E. nana
2023-A-16: Treat Amazona guatemalae as a separate species from Mealy Parrot A. farinosa
2023-A-17: Treat Amazona tresmariae as a separate species from Yellow-headed Parrot A. oratrix
Proposals 2023-B
2023-B-1: Transfer White-bellied Mountain-gem Lampornis hemileucus to the monotypic genus Prodosia2023-B-2: Transfer subspecies minor (and extralimital subspecies cinerascens) from Myiodynastes chrysocephalus to M. hemichrysus, thereby removing M. chrysocephalus from the Checklist
2023-B-3a: Modify the classification of the Rallidae: Transfer Micropygia schomburgkii to Rufirallus
2023-B-3b: Modify the classification of the Rallidae: Transfer Neocrex erythrops and N. colombianus to Mustelirallus
2023-B-3c: Modify the classification of the Rallidae: Transfer Cyanolimnas cerverai to Mustelirallus or Neocrex
2023-B-3d: Modify the classification of the Rallidae: Slightly alter the linear sequence
2023-B-4: Treat Poliocrania maculifer as a separate species from Chestnut-backed Antbird P. exsul
2023-B-5a: Treat Xiphorhynchus aequatorialis as a separate species from Spotted Woodcreeper X. erythropygius: Elevate aequatorialis (with punctigula and insolitus) to species rank (BirdLife treatment)
2023-B-5b: Treat Xiphorhynchus aequatorialis as a separate species from Spotted Woodcreeper X. erythropygius: Elevate both punctigula (with insolitus) and aequatorialis to species rank
2023-B-6a: Revise the taxonomy of Black-necked Stilt Himantopus mexicanus: Treat it as a subspecies of Black-winged Stilt H. himantopus
2023-B-6b: Revise the taxonomy of Black-necked Stilt Himantopus mexicanus: Treat current subspecies (i) melanurus and (ii) knudseni as separate species
2023-B-7a: Treat Chlorophonia sclateri, C. flavifrons, or both as separate species from Antillean Euphonia C. musica: Treat C. sclateri as a separate species from C. musica, retaining flavifrons as a subspecies of C. musica (two-species treatment, version 1)
2023-B-7b: Treat Chlorophonia sclateri, C. flavifrons, or both as separate species from Antillean Euphonia C. musica: Treat C. flavifrons as a separate species from C. musica, retaining sclateri as a subspecies of C. musica (two-species treatment, version 2)
2023-B-7c: Treat Chlorophonia sclateri, C. flavifrons, or both as separate species from Antillean Euphonia C. musica: Treat both C. sclateri and C. flavifrons as separate species (three-species treatment)
2023-B-8: Treat Corvus minutus as a separate species from Palm Crow C. palmarum
2023-B-9: Treat Cyanocorax luxuosus as a separate species from Green Jay C. yncas
2023-B-10: Transfer Tiny Hawk Accipiter superciliosus to the newly described genus Microspizias
2023-B-11: Treat Accipiter gentilis as a separate species from Northern Goshawk A. atricapillus
2023-B-12: Treat Aphelocoma sumichrasti as a separate species from Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay A. woodhouseii
2023-B-13: Treat Delichon lagopodum as a separate species from House Martin D. urbicum
Proposals 2023-C
2023-C-1a: Treat Lepidothrix velutina as a separate species from Blue-crowned Manakin L. coronata2023-C-1b: Adopt the English name Velvety Manakin for L. velutina
2023-C-2: Transfer Thicket Antpitta Hylopezus dives to Myrmothera
2023-C-3: Treat American Three-toed Woodpecker Picoides dorsalis as a subspecies group of P. tridactylus
2024-C-4: Treat Colaptes aeruginosus as a separate species from Golden-olive Woodpecker C. rubiginosus
2023-C-5: Treat Melanerpes santacruzi as a separate species from Golden-fronted Woodpecker M. aurifrons
2023-C-6a: Treat Sclerurus obscurior as a separate species from Tawny-throated Leaftosser S. mexicanus
2023-C-6b: Treat S. pullus as a separate species from Tawny-throated Leaftosser S. mexicanus
2023-C-7a: Revise the taxonomy of Amaurospiza seedeaters: split Amaurospiza relicta from Blue Seedeater A. concolor
2023-C-7b: Revise the taxonomy of Amaurospiza seedeaters: lump A. concolor and A. carrizalensis with A. moesta
2023-C-7c: Revise the taxonomy of Amaurospiza seedeaters: split A. aequatorialis from A. concolor
2023-C-7d: Revise the taxonomy of Amaurospiza seedeaters: lump the five taxa as subspecies of A. moesta
2023-C-8: Treat Pipilo socorroensis as a separate species from Spotted Towhee P. maculatus
2023-C-9a: Revise generic limits among Rhodothraupis, Periporphyrus, and Caryothraustes: Adopt the following linear sequence: celaeno, erythromelas (extralimital), poliogaster, canadensis
2023-C-9b: Revise generic limits among Rhodothraupis, Periporphyrus, and Caryothraustes: Transfer Rhodothraupis celaeno to Periporphyrus
2023-C-9c: Revise generic limits among Rhodothraupis, Periporphyrus, and Caryothraustes: Transfer Rhodothraupis celaeno and Periporphyrus erythromelas to Caryothraustes
2023-C-10: Treat Pachyramphus uropygialis as a separate species from Gray-collared Becard P. major
2023-C-11: Treat Chlorospingus hypophaeus as a separate species from Yellow-throated Chlorospingus C. flavigularis
2023-C-12: Treat Melozone occipitalis as a separate species from White-eared Ground-Sparrow M. leucotis
2023-C-13: Treat Granatellus francescae as a separate species from Red-breasted Chat G. venustus