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Apalis rufogularis sanderi Serle, 1951 OD here
The Eponym Dictionary of Birds claims
The Key to Scientific Names
Here as
Not to be confused with Henry Conrad Frederick Sander (1847-1920) the Orchid King.
If born in 1906 and when he died is unknown to me.
Collected by Mr Frederick Sander
This new race is named after Mr. F. Sander, Nigerian Railway who collected it, and noticed that it differed from the descriptopn of the nominate race.
The Eponym Dictionary of Birds claims
Buff-throated Apalis ssp. Apalis rufogularis sanderi Serle, 1951
Frederick Sander (b.1906) was a British civil servant employed overseas as chief accountant with Nigerian Railways.
The Key to Scientific Names
Frederick Sander (b. 1906) accountant with Nigerian Railways, collector (subsp. Apalis rufogularis).
Here as
Frederick SANDER, Esq., Chief Accountant, Nigerian Railway, Federation of Nigeria.
Not to be confused with Henry Conrad Frederick Sander (1847-1920) the Orchid King.
If born in 1906 and when he died is unknown to me.