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August moths 2022 (1 Viewer)

Did some trapping while on holiday in Tamar Valley, Devon. Quite a decent list

Scorched Carpet
Treble Bar
Canary Shouldered Thorn
Early Thorn
Dusky Thorn
4 Spotted Footman
Common Wainscot
Sallow Kitten
Flame Shoulder
Ruby Tiger
Rosy Rustic
Clouded-bordered Brindle
Jersey Tiger
Silver Y
Brussels Lace
Common White Wave
Black Arches
Setaceous Hebrew Character
Dark Arches
Dogs Tooth
Galium Carpet
Common Marbled Carpet
Common Carpet
Magpie Moth
Sharp-angled Peacock
Pale Prominent
Wax Moth
Lesser Swallow Prominent
July Highflier
Oak Eggar
Lesser B/B Y/U
Mullein Wave
False Mocha
Tawny-barred Angle
Yellow Shell
Purple Bar
Dusky Brocade
Common Wave
Reasonable catch , 84 of 24 this morning, but migrants are still largely avoiding Lufbra.
Best for me were
Chinese Character, my first for four years and my latest record.
My latest-ever Poplar Hawk-moth
27 Vine's Rustics, my highest ever count.
50 moths of 17 species last night, the best was a Grey Chi, only the 2nd for my garden and the 1st since 2013! Canary-shouldered Thorn, Chevron, Double-striped Pug and Ear Moth agg were all new for the year.
Two more garden ticks on 24th, Small Dusty Wave & Purple Bar, both of which I've had elsewhere (work & Pembrokeshire respectively), although I did have a go at stringing a rather dark Small Fan-footed Wave into the former back when I was a total novice. Old Lady, Tawny Speckled Pug, Blood-vein & regular Copper Underwing (two of) were year ticks. Nine Dusky Thorns and twelve Setaceous Hebrew Characters were good counts, and another late Poplar Hawk was notable.


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105 lifers in August. Didn't realize it was that many. Closing in on 600 for my yard.
Cherry Leafroller Moth (lifer)

Dogwood Caloptilia Moth (lifer)

Walnut Calopotilia Moth (lifer)

Caloptilia canadensisella (lifer)

Artichoke Plume Moth (lifer)

Robinson's Acleris Moth (lifer)
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