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Austin Texas USA Cardinal? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member

Not a clear picture but it had a brownish head and reddish body.

In the backyard at.a feeder. Any ideas?



  • Cardinal type. 20220602.jpg
    Cardinal type. 20220602.jpg
    450.8 KB · Views: 43
Too blurry. Cardinal would be my first guess, but summer tanager is also a good possibility in Texas. Both species can be rather noisy, though not necessarily while feeding. Did you hear it sing?
Another way to tell them apart is by bill color. It's not clear in the photo, but perhaps you noticed it. It's bright red-orange in (adult) cardinals (and very thick, almost parrot-like); some shade of horn (grey/tan/pale dull yellow) in summer tanager.
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The picture in your link shows a Northern Cardinal who has lost his head feather, probably due to mites.
My first impression was Painted Bunting. From this angle there would no green visible, and there does seem to be a hint of blue on the head in the picture.
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