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Australia – The Explorers Way and a few extra bits. (1 Viewer)

Sounds an awful lot like a birding holiday to me... if you ever decide to get serious you’d be deadly!����
Shhh! Don't tell Sarah

Sounds an awful lot like a birding holiday to me... if you ever decide to get serious you’d be deadly!����

Thanks Mike. We did a bit more birding than originally planned but a number of days were just normal tourist stuff and we didn't go to few places in the desert that would have been just for the birds or Lifou or Ovea off New Caledonia for the endemics there.

We are off next week on a proper birding trip. ;);)
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Very enjoyable report :)

Yes, as one who has been to Australia 5 times I really enjoyed reading it, thanks. I haven't been to SA or NT, but O'Reilly's brings back memories. I have been there 4 times, including 2 stays of 2-3 days. The birding there is indeed special. Although I am not as young as I was (yeah, to state the B obvious!), I am itching to go back to Australia, especially after reading this! I will add Uluru to the agenda!

Yes, as one who has been to Australia 5 times I really enjoyed reading it, thanks. I haven't been to SA or NT, but O'Reilly's brings back memories. I have been there 4 times, including 2 stays of 2-3 days. The birding there is indeed special. Although I am not as young as I was (yeah, to state the B obvious!), I am itching to go back to Australia, especially after reading this! I will add Uluru to the agenda!

Thanks Allen. I hope you get there soon.
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