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Baltimore Oriole carving (1 Viewer)

Here's a piece I just completed. Carved from tupelo gum wood and painted with acrylics. Orange was fun to carve. The stick sticking out of the orange is from the branch below (suggesting that someone stuck the orange on the stick so the bird could eat it). Life size.


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    1 WCI.jpg
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Here's a piece I just completed. Carved from tupelo gum wood and painted with acrylics. Orange was fun to carve. The stick sticking out of the orange is from the branch below (suggesting that someone stuck the orange on the stick so the bird could eat it). Life size.

A thing of great beauty Mark. Thanks for posting.
Oooh - Very, very clever! - great idea, superb use of colour and the composition of the sculpture is absolutely on the button. This is my favourite of what is proving to be a thrilling thread - well done Mark.
(Is this for your 'client'?)
Great work, Marc. Each time I don't think you can do better and then you do.
Your work is unbelievable, Marc. I really can't believe that's wood! I think I spent a small fortune on oranges one summer trying to get the oriole pair in the scrub next door to visit my yard -- all I got were a few shy glimpses, and a lot of ants! Gorgeous birds, though, almost a little too tropical for this far north.
Thanks sooo much everyone for the kind words! I've been requested to send photos of this piece to a pro baseball team as there might be some interest in a like piece. Guess which team! ;)
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