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Bawangling National Forrest Park Hainan (1 Viewer)

Hainan on the fly

Well-known member
Hello all!

I'm planning a trip to Bawangling National Forrest Park on Hainan Island and am wondering if anyone has advice to good birding areas inside the park. We will have a car to get around with but couldn't find much information about specific areas inside the park.


I’m several years out-of-date on Hainan matters, but it used to be that Bawangling was home to the Hainan Gibbon.
As one of the world’s rarest primates, the Reserve Management were sensitive about visitors.

Perhaps things have changed - here’s a link about Jiangfengling, also in south Hainan...


Thanks John,

I just wanted to leave a quick reply here. Bawangling is open to visitors and was a pretty spectacular place. The park seems to get pretty limited traffic compared to Jiangfengling but I found both parks very enjoyable. There is only one simple hotel that we found in a village near the park. It wasn't anything special but was comfortable and the stay was very helpful but didn't speak any English. I visited with my wife and 18 month son so I didn't get a chance to do any real serious bird watching but managed to see a couple hawks and perhaps an Eagle from a distance. Also saw several species of Bulbul, a wood pecker and some minivets.
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