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Best birding sites around Siem Reap (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hello everyone,

I plan to do some birdwatching in Siem Reap in february. I have two or three days including a visit to Angkor Wat and maybe other temples...

Which are the best sites in this region to see specialties? Any other good site in Cambodia that would be worth visiting?

Thank you.
Hi, 2-3 days for temples + birding is not much, 2-3 days for each would be better ;) ANG TRAPAENG THMOR, Kompong Thom and Prek Toal are three sites within reach of Siem Reap for day trips. You can find more details on the website of Sam Veasna Centre, which is also the best address for organising your trips: http://www.samveasna.org/birdsites.php
I think February is a good time for all sites, but certainly Hanno or others can comment better on that.
Thanks for the answer. I know I don't have much time...

I will be visiting Thailand also, so I want to concentrate on cambodian specialties. Let's say I will spend 3 days in Cambodia and I plan to bird in North and West Thailand. Which sites would be the best complement?

Thank you.
You don't really have enough time to go up to Thmat Boey for White-shouldered and Giant Ibises. I suggest you do ATT to look for Sarus Cranes, Woolly-necked Storks and Adjutants; all birds that you may not see in Thailand. You might even be able to squeeze in Tonle Sap on top of it for Milky and Painted Storks (though they have started breeding at ATT as well).
I'm heading back to Siem Reap next week and want to head out to Tonle Sap for an overnight. What's the best way to organise it? Neil.

I was in Cambodia last week. I haven't heard of anyone overnighting at Tonle Sap. But I would recommend contacting the Sam Vaesna Centre - http://www.samveasna.org/ - they will be able to arrange boats and guides for you.

Be warned the water levels are quite low at the moment and we could not get far enough into the swamp to get to the viewing platforms. We travelled by small motorised canoes which still gave good photographic opportunities. We dipped on Greater Adjutant and Milky Stork as a result. I think there is only one pair of Milky Storks nesting there this year and they are near one of the viewing platforms.

PM me if you need any more information.

Incidentally, one thing that's not obvious from reading some of the trip reports is that you could easily get Bengal Florican in a morning from Siem Reap. We got a number at a site about 80km to the east.


Murray Lord
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