After another blank day at Dungeness yesterday, Gary has made the difficult decision to leave the south coast and start the journey back up to North Norfolk. Today's targets will be the Rufous Turtle Dove and Wood Warbler combination in the Sevenoaks area with a meandering route likely to include the Lady A's site, Ouse / Nene Washes, Lakenheath etc.
Currently on 225 species, Gary is still approx. 25 ahead of the same time last year and well on target for the ambitious goal I gave him to be on 250 by the end of May. The potential make-up of the next 25 species over the forthcoming 31 days includes:
A rare heron, Honey Buzzard, Montagu's Harrier, Spotted Crake, Quail, Lady Amherst's Pheasant, Temminck's Stint, Wood Sandpiper, a rare wader (Kentish Plover / Black-winged Stilt etc), Woodcock, Dotterel, Little Tern, Little Gull, a scarce / rare tern, Pomarine Skua, Turtle Dove, Nightjar, Tree Pipit, Whinchat, Wood Warbler, Garden Warbler, Grasshopper Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher, a couple of scarce migrants (Wryneck / Bluethroat / Golden Oriole / Woodchat / Red-backed Shrike)