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Biking Birder 2015 - A cycle ride to every RSPB and WWT reserve. (1 Viewer)

That's the problem - they're not included in the Fea's total (6; all seen on pelagics) in the BBRC reports but have a separate Zino's/Fea's entry (58 to 2015). What's the rules on ticking the latter? Obviously it doesn't matter for a personal list (like mine!), but it does for a 'public' list like this one.

I suspect the vast majority of 'public lists' eg those on BUBO which have Fea's Petrel relate to birds outside those specific six.
I suspect the vast majority of 'public lists' eg those on BUBO which have Fea's Petrel relate to birds outside those specific six.

Indeed, I've happily put an earlier either/or on my combined British and Irish list as I considered it to be Fea's though my later British only one happens to be one of the records (currently) accepted as Fea's Petrel.

All the best
I suspect the vast majority of 'public lists' eg those on BUBO which have Fea's Petrel relate to birds outside those specific six.

Getting a bit off-topic here, but I'd not consider lists on bubo to be 'public', in the sense that they aren't sponsored lists raising money for anything ;)
W B Diver just flown past North Ronaldsay - another addition I believe.

Yes, after a week of no ticks but further Little Auks, Pom Skuas and Sooty Shears a White-billed Diver flew close in to the seawatching hide on North Ron for BOU #315 / AERC #312.

LT Skua, Bal Shear and Sabs Gull all reported in North Sea seawatches in last 24 hours so may be not the last addition.
Gary came off North Ronaldsay yesterday (he missed the ferry but managed persuade Orkney Ferries to turn the boat around for him) and the took the ferry from Kirkwall to Aberdeen overnight in 50+ mph which must have been quite an ordeal as he is very prone to seasickness. Typical the Black-throated Thrush which was not seen at all yesterday on Orkney Mainland put in an appearance today ....

Gary's next target is the Hooded Merganser in Beith, Ayrshire followed by the Pallid Harrier lingering in Lincs unless something else of interest pops up in the meantime.
A quick breakdown of Gary's monthly additions to date:

January - 146 (West Midlands to Cornwall and back to Devon)
February - 28 (Devon to Hampshire then up to Norfolk)
March - 19 (Norfolk to Cleveland then across to Yorkshire)
April - 32 (Yorkshire to Kent via Norfolk and Suffolk)
May - 24 (Kent to Suffolk via Norfolk, Lincs, Cambs and Essex)
June - 9 (Suffolk to Northumberland)
July - 11 (Northumberland to Abernethy via the Scottish islands)
August - 10 (Abernethy to Fair Isle via Aberdeen, Orkney Mainland and North Ron)
September - 14 (Fair Isle)
October - 21 (Shetland, Fair Isle and North Ronaldsay)
November - 1 (North Ronaldsay to Aberdeem)
Hiya everyone!

Now in Dundee with the intention of getting to Vane Farm RSPB reserve tomorrow. Trying to get myself strong enough for thirty to forty mile cycling days. Finding it a bot tough at the moment due to fresh wind in the face.

Anyway, if you haven't logged my blog here is a link.


Also finding the Fea's petrel has to be a highlight of the year despite listing it problems.


Finding the white-billed diver was great as well even if the reaction from Samuel Perfect and myself was a little more restrained.

So, thanks everyone for your support and interest. Thanks Phil for everything you do to help. Much appreciated.


Gary now on 316 with the addition of Pallid Harrier in Yorkshire. Perhaps Derbyshire next stop... ?

Gary reached Beeley today, successfully adding the stunning Dusky Thrush for BOU #317 (AERC #315) for the year.

Realistically the only addition left for the year is now Iceland Gull, most likely at either Bartley Reservoir or Chasewater.
Please see below links - Gary is supporting 4 charities this year:

Asthma UK - https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/gary-prescott2

Wildfowl & Wetland Trust - https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/gary-prescott4

RSPB - https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/gary-prescott3

The Chaskawasi orphanage in Peru - http://www.chaskawasi-manu.org/en/donation-for-chaskawasi-manu-project/

Whilst I am sure people are donating in other ways, including cash along Gary's journey, the total committed of just over £2,100 via Just Giving is a pitiful amount. If you have followed Gary's Big Year or even just dipped in and out of his adventures please consider making a donation to these worthwhile causes.

I am sure several potential sponsors are waiting for Gary's year end total before donating (as I am) but as at today's date the amount committed via Just Giving is just under £2,500. As we approach the festive period and the end of Gary's adventure please think if you can spare a few quid for one or more of the causes above.
Blue Rock Thrush safely secured for bird #318, most likely the final bird of Gary's Green Year and a lifer to boot.

He will finish the year on Saturday where it all started on the 1st January 2016, at Upton Warren NR.
I recorded Cameron McNeish's programme Roads Less Travelled and watched it last night.

The Orkney one.... and to my amazement you popped up!! A very nice interview it was too.
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