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Bird ID field guide for Peru (2 Viewers)

What is the best bird ID guidebook for this country?
The guide compiled by Schullenberg (et al) mentioned in an earlier reply is excellent, but you might also peruse the (now out of print) guide by Clements & Shany (http://www.nhbs.com/title/58822/a-field-guide-to-the-birds-of-peru). At least in the U.S. used copies can still be found at reasonable prices. When I finally make it to Peru it won't be in my field pack but it will be back at the lodge available for reference.

Gary H
@gdhunter: out of curiosity, what is the Clements guide adding in terms of info / drawings /... that is lacking in the Schulenberg guide (which I find the best Neotropical field guide of any I have put my hands on, and this includes almost every book available)?
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