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Bird Nerd (3 Viewers)

Hi, we have downloaded bird nerd to help in the garden. I know its not gonna be perfect but it said we had a bittern in the field and marsh warbler. in mid suffolk not far from hadleigh. whats the chances or probably crock of crap?? had 3 green bars and usually quite good.

My comment is that a Bittern booming in September is rather unusual - did you hear anything similar? Are there large reedbeds in the vicinity. Cows can sound like a distant boomer.

Marsh Warbler is (as you may already know) scarce visitor these days.

I dont have any experience with this app.
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Hi, we have downloaded bird nerd to help in the garden. I know its not gonna be perfect but it said we had a bittern in the field and marsh warbler. in mid suffolk not far from hadleigh. whats the chances or probably crock of crap?? had 3 green bars and usually quite good.

Hi, I would go for Merlin and download the western palearctic pack
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