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Photograph of an Eurasian Kestrell with digital painting and filter effects.

My digital bird artworks are a combination of my love for birds, photography and painting. I have developed an unique style in my bird art that aims to capture the beauty of pure bird photography in combination with digital painting techniques whereby the bird photos are in harmony, and part of, an abstracted/impressionistic and graphic background.

I know that most traditional photographers and painters are against this sort of art, but I really love doing it. Comments will be appreciated.


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Photograph of an Eurasian Kestrell with digital painting and filter effects.

My digital bird artworks are a combination of my love for birds, photography and painting. I have developed an unique style in my bird art that aims to capture the beauty of pure bird photography in combination with digital painting techniques whereby the bird photos are in harmony, and part of, an abstracted/impressionistic and graphic background.

I know that most traditional photographers and painters are against this sort of art, but I really love doing it. Comments will be appreciated.
Yep love doing it, here is one of a Herring Gull


  • imageedit_30_8746904703.jpg
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I know that most traditional photographers and painters are against this sort of art, but I really love doing it. Comments will be appreciated.

That's because a lot of traditional wildlife artists wouldn't consider it art. But I'd say to them that an awful lot of traditional wildlife painting, photography and sculpture, is actually illustrative or representative, and not art.

I'm opening that can of worms labelled 'What is Art?'*, but if you love using digital effects, it doesn't matter how it's labelled, or what traditionalists think of it.

*Having spent a lifetime in art and design, I can't help myself!
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