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Birding goals for 2023 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
United States
Well it's that time of year!

So what are folks plans and goals for the new year, as far as birding and related hobbies (Butterflies, mammals, herps, what have you)?

My biggest planned event is a dedicated birding trip to Ecuador in June. Outside of that my plans are more nebulous. There are a range of other birds I would like to see this year in and around Wisconsin, including Kentucky and Worm-eating Warbler and LeConte's and Nelson's Sparrow, all four of which would still be lifers. I'd also like to do more patch-birding, and maybe pick-up a Harris' Sparrow, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, or Connecticut Warbler on my local patch. Would also like to expand my Wisconsin and Winnebago county lists.

So what are your plans and aspirations?
My main planned birding event is Cape Verde in April with friends - in a group of crazy WP listers, so we are no doubt gonna clean whatever is possible :) In May we will probably go to Pantanal in a smaller group - there the goal will be more of an exploration of what crazy things can be done there, without specific targets except for some mammals - Jaguar, Anteater etc...
Fresh from a major international trip and with nothing firmly planned for next year - my 2023 birding goals are yet to be set. I've been eyeing Chile/Argentina as a possibility for next winter, with maybe a late summer trip to Vermont (for odonates and an escape from the oppressive Gulf Coast heat) or Montana (Baird's Sparrow).

I have more specific goals at this time for odonates - a couple of March and April trip to the western Florida panhandle for some specialties there including Hodges, Clearlake, and Blackwater Clubtails. Would also love to find an Alabama Shadowdragon, and I have a spot nearby where it's been recorded, though it's tricky to find, so we'll see!
No particular birds or trips are "goals" per se... my goals are to bird a lot, see new places and birds, hopefully with good friends and my partner. Can't ask for any more than that! If by chance a Neomorphus gets worked into the happenings that is of course a huge result, but hard to make it a goal year after year, just take them when you get them :)
1+2 Chequered Skipper and Black Hairstreak. My final two british butterfly species. Trouble is they fly around the same time and I think going for the skippers (have a scottish trip booked at the prime time) will preclude me trying for the hairstreak. But definitely my main targets for 2023

3) Brown Bear Got a trip to romania with naturetrek booked and bears are pretty close to guaranteed (illness etc apart) but they're a species on my fridge door bucket list and I'd love to see them.

4) An American swallowtail species. Got a family theme-park holiday to orlando booked and want to try and make it as much a family trip as possible but they have some amazing looking swallowtails

5) honey buzzard, I think I have 4 breeding British species I've never seen anywhere. one in the uk would be lovely but I'd settle for abroad.
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Sri Lanka might produce a World Top Ten animal (Blue Whale) but anything we see will be great (I'd probably put Sloth Bear right up there as well but that's very much luck of the draw).

A tick in Britain would be nice - I haven't had a blank year yet though it's been close once or twice. I'm hoping the Stejneger's Scoter reappears, that would do it.

I'd like a good photo of an Icterine Warbler in Britain. They seem much thinner on the ground than way back, but maybe that's just my perception.

Other than that I'm going to stick closer to home than on this year's trek for a year list, now on 309 and not likely to move much before 31 Dec; next year I'll go for what feels nice at the time.

Sri Lanka might produce a World Top Ten animal (Blue Whale) but anything we see will be great (I'd probably put Sloth Bear right up there as well but that's very much luck of the draw).

A tick in Britain would be nice - I haven't had a blank year yet though it's been close once or twice. I'm hoping the Stejneger's Scoter reappears, that would do it.

I'd like a good photo of an Icterine Warbler in Britain. They seem much thinner on the ground than way back, but maybe that's just my perception.

Other than that I'm going to stick closer to home than on this year's trek for a year list, now on 309 and not likely to move much before 31 Dec; next year I'll go for what feels nice at the time.

I was determined to put my year list on the back burner in 2022. Fuel prices being the primary reason. Managed to get to the middle of February before I realised I was fighting a losing battle.
Next year's year list will be focused on my three local counties of Flintshire, Denbighshire & Wrexham, fuel prices dictating that multiple dashes across to Anglesey just for year ticks is unjustifiable, although full on North Wales ticks will still get me moving. I reckon around 185 sits nicely in the doable-but-failable sweet spot.

Also going to be targeting some butterflies & day flying months in the same three counties.

That's about as much as I'm gunning for at the moment.
Sri Lanka might produce a World Top Ten animal (Blue Whale) but anything we see will be great (I'd probably put Sloth Bear right up there as well but that's very much luck of the draw).

A tick in Britain would be nice - I haven't had a blank year yet though it's been close once or twice. I'm hoping the Stejneger's Scoter reappears, that would do it.

I'd like a good photo of an Icterine Warbler in Britain. They seem much thinner on the ground than way back, but maybe that's just my perception.

Other than that I'm going to stick closer to home than on this year's trek for a year list, now on 309 and not likely to move much before 31 Dec; next year I'll go for what feels nice at the time.

If you miss Blue Whale in Sri Lanka...They are pretty reliable on whalewatches from San Francisco in summer.

Sri Lanka is high on my birding trip wishlist, so looking forward to a trip report!
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