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Birding In Staffordshire (1 Viewer)

Hundreds of gulls over Adderleygreen at the moment, there is a large hatch of flying ants.

From the Park Hall raptor viewpoint,the skies over the city were teeming with gulls,Longton,blurton,radial park,trentham, as well as north of the city. peregrine over Berry Hill,buzzard and sparrowhawk :t:
Watching three buzzards unusually low over Adderlygreen today no more than thirty foot above the house at one time, and to think I saw my first one in brecon in the army in 69.
By the way are the buzzards that bred over on parkhall the first to breed in s-o-t.
Watching three buzzards unusually low over Adderlygreen today no more than thirty foot above the house at one time, and to think I saw my first one in brecon in the army in 69.
By the way are the buzzards that bred over on parkhall the first to breed in s-o-t.

not sure but if you include Hanchurch area as being part of Stoke then probably not, if you look at just the city then probably.

So thats a possible an a probable:-O
Watching three buzzards unusually low over Adderlygreen today no more than thirty foot above the house at one time, and to think I saw my first one in brecon in the army in 69.
By the way are the buzzards that bred over on parkhall the first to breed in s-o-t.

Must breed at Trentham and thats Stoke.
Female marsh harrier over seabridge/clayton over seabride lane wye road heading east being mobbed by 2 buzzards 15:05

walk over bunny hill this morning produced 32 mistle thrush in one flock and the odd swallow and house martin. and a big tit flock which had at least 12 long tailed tit and 4 great tit in it and 2 willowchiffs
A family of spotted flycatchers have been reported in Clough Meadow earlier this week. Green woodpecker heard from the view point today too.

Hi chaps, don't know if any of you have seen this but I thought you might be interested. Taken from Rod Key's page on DOS site.

R.DOVE, FAULD-SCROPTON A first autumn Spotted Sandpiper was present on this stretch of river between 1-5th Sept. Found and identified by Ian Wallace unfortunately the site was on private land and thus there could be no entry etc. It was seen on both the Staffordshire and Derbyshire side of the R.Dove and will be the 4th county record and the first since one at Ogston Res on 30th Apr-1st May, 2003.
Right, i'm the worlds worsed identifer as you may know but this left me scratching my head! 2 birds seen both identical. Size roughly of a collard dove, Chocolate brown with distinctive white underneath. The pair were disturbed by me and flew across the path from trees either side. Not great light and I saw them fleetingly. The thing that struck me was the chocolat brown and the white underneath extending to the tail. Behind the visitor centre at Apedale CC...any ideas??
Right, i'm the worlds worsed identifer as you may know but this left me scratching my head! 2 birds seen both identical. Size roughly of a collard dove, Chocolate brown with distinctive white underneath. The pair were disturbed by me and flew across the path from trees either side. Not great light and I saw them fleetingly. The thing that struck me was the chocolat brown and the white underneath extending to the tail. Behind the visitor centre at Apedale CC...any ideas??

Turtle Dove?
Had a hour today at the feeding station up at Cannock chase. Nice to see Siskin's, Gold finches, Bullies, Willow warbler and the regular Nuthatches. No sign of the Willow tits though which is unusual for this time of year.

Some pics to be posted in Gallery soon.

Major meadow pipit passage this morning - best I've seen in Staffs - with 500+/hour going through at Black Bank between 7-9am. Also a willow tit and whitethroat by the trig point.
Major meadow pipit passage this morning - best I've seen in Staffs - with 500+/hour going through at Black Bank between 7-9am. Also a willow tit and whitethroat by the trig point.

Mipits were coming through over Berryhill up to about 11:30 so I reckon you
would have had 2000+ if you had been able to stop after 09:00.
Interesting how determined they were to keep going through the rain showers.
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