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Birding In Staffordshire (4 Viewers)

Fredas Grave


Belated news for Saturday, spent a hour walking around the heath on the Chase near Fredas Grave. Not too much around but there were plenty of Stone Chats around with at least 3 Winchats mixed in for good measure.

River Sow Meadows-Stafford


I've been slacking on the thread with posts recently....oopps! :-O

This morning on the local, which was 80% flooded!..

Swallow x 450+...incredible sight of a considerable concentration feeding low over the flood water and perched up on the barbed wire fences.
House Martin x 200+ feeding mainly over the water works.
Hobby x 1
Kestrel x 2
Sparrowhawk x 3
Kingfisher x 2
Little Grebe x 5
Whitethroat x 1
Chiffchaff x 1


Croxall & Whitemoor Haye

Hi All

2x Sparrowhawk & 10+ Tree Sparrow were the only birds of note along the rough track at Whitemoor Haye this morning.
Over at Croxall, the Tame has overflowed it's banks, making the very far end of the NR impassible now, especially the newly designated footpaths both sides of the railway line up to and under the viaduct. Also, water levels on the main lake are not conducive to wader activity, although a solitary Black-tailed Godwit flew past the hide at midday and landed in the flooded vegetation at the NMA end.
And as you can see, over on the East side it was equally challenging, with the hide there now under something approaching a foot of water. A Kingfisher was around the small pool behind the hide there early afternoon however... but that was it !


Andy R. (ADR)
The East hide is no stranger to water IME. Anyway it's not a proper flood if you can still get on the car park ;)

Steady on there Paul ... As it's a fair bit lower down at the hide, you might have six-foot high wellies, but I don't ! And if you do, then I look forward to your Croxall east-side bird report for tomorrow.
Ner, ner, ne-ner, ner ! :-O

Andy R.
swift over fletcher road by corporation street followed down to regent street by london road anyone know latest record for swift in stafforshire is
Whitemoor Haye

I had an late afternoon, early evening ramble around Whitemoor Haye.
12 Tree Sparrow
90 Lapwing
1 Golden Plover over and calling
4 Mistle Thrush
29 Coot on the main lake which included 22 ina tight group feeding on the bank between the two water filled lakes, viewed from the Whitemoor Lakes entrance
50+ Meadow Pipits around the site with lots behind Sittles farm viewed on the s bends from the mound
47 Shoveler - yes, 47. Its the most by a long way I have seen on this lake and I went through each bird three times to make sure they were Shoveler. :t:
Lots of Goldfinch and Linnet.
River Sow Meadows, Stafford.

Dull, with a blustery south westerly wind on the patch this morn.....

undoubted highlight of the morn was a fine male Peregrine, which when soaring overhead, descended in altitude, to look at me as much as i was looking at it!! :eek!:

Other Highlights:

Hobby x 1 ...which was briefly hunting the 50 odd Hirundines over the water works.
Raven x 1
Green Sandpiper x 1
Grey Wagtail x 4
Meadow Pipit x 55...feeding on the deck.
Kingfisher x 1 pair
Little Grebe x 2
Wigeon x 6
Black-headed Gull x 425....which were milling about in the flood water.


Jay influx?

Jays have been building up at Berryhill recently with 17 present this morning, also some flyovers. Never had this many here before, usually only 2-3 birds present.
Any one else seeing larger numbers than usual.
Jay influx?

Jays have been building up at Berryhill recently with 17 present this morning, also some flyovers. Never had this many here before, usually only 2-3 birds present.
Any one else seeing larger numbers than usual.

Hi Russ had some fly over jays this morning ,there is quite a few around sprinkwood at the moment collecting Acorns . also quite a few Mistle Thrush about this morning , :t:
Hi Russ had some fly over jays this morning ,there is quite a few around sprinkwood at the moment collecting Acorns . also quite a few Mistle Thrush about this morning , :t:

Hi. Dont know about other sites but at Whitemoor Haye recently there has been Jays present including one I saw tonight on the way home. Also quite a few Mistle Thrushes too, four on Saturday.
been plenty of mistle thrushes around dimmingsdale and alton in flocks of 10-30 the last few weeks clearing all the rowan berries,they are now clearing the hawthorne berries,thinks not looking good for the redwings and fieldfares,plenty of jays and not many acorns.
Jay influx?

Jays have been building up at Berryhill recently with 17 present this morning, also some flyovers. Never had this many here before, usually only 2-3 birds present.
Any one else seeing larger numbers than usual.

Definitely lots about. Had 4 together over the 'burbs of Basford Park Road today. Several hundred observed moving through Norfolk coast recently too.
lots of jays up clayton had groups of 4 going over
and there are about 3 feeding around the hospital recently
and had group of 10 i the fields of radial park

radial park
1 chiff chaff
5 goldcrest around site
50 grounded meadow pipits
2 teal
2 snipe
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