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Birding In Staffordshire (1 Viewer)

A decent fall of thrushes at Doxey marshes today. Several hundred Fieldfares moved west during late morning/early afternoon. A couple of hundred Redwings around the reserve plus a hundred or so Blackbirds; at one point I counted ten Blackbirds in one bush.

In addition to that there was an Egyptian goose on the Cresswell flash, about nine hundred Canada geese, two Kingfishers, and a Water Rail.
Radial park this morning

1 peregrine
25 lapwing
20 redwing
4 teal
20 mpipit
grey heron
2 coal tit

hem heath woods
2 gsw
4 treecreepers
alot of nuthatches
lots of long tailed tits
and lots of thrush and blackbird action

Caverswall marsh evening

20 golden plover over heading north west roughly park hall direction 16:20

1 barn owl flew through coming across from cricket club over horse fields and across the road out of view
also a few pipits and uite a few starlings heading to roost

a few shot from tittesworth yesterday with a lone whooper swan, a pair of teal and a pochard.



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churnet valley-alton-oakamoor

1 50+ siskin 6x redwing 6x goldcrest 2x grey wagtail 38x pheasant including some really dark ones


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Pipe Green Common, Lichfield

Had a couple of hours at Pipe Green this morning (8.45-10.45).

3xWren (heard many more skulking in the long grass)
29xFieldfare flew over in the direction of Burntwood at 10.00
30+Redwing fuelling up on berries
130 Goldfinch in two seperate flocks
Numerous Blue Tit and Great Tit
20+Carrion Crow
Plenty of Woodpigeon
One or two Greenfinch with the Goldies
1xGrey Heron flying north

Whitemoor Haye

Hi All

Stopped off briefly early afternoon, on my way back from watching the Great White Egret at Willington Gravel Pits.
A Little Owl was in the usual tree near the rough track and four Grey Partridge were feeding on seed along the track.

Andy R.
Has anyone been checking out the swan flock at Whitemoor Haye recently? I have been unable to bird for the last few weeks due to work and personal commitments. I am hoping to go there Saturday afternoon after a few hours work but busy Sunday and all next weekend. With a few Whooper Swans locally maybe the odd one might have touched down there.
Has anyone been checking out the swan flock at Whitemoor Haye recently? I have been unable to bird for the last few weeks due to work and personal commitments. I am hoping to go there Saturday afternoon after a few hours work but busy Sunday and all next weekend. With a few Whooper Swans locally maybe the odd one might have touched down there.

Stuart ... I saw them in the distance yesterday, but just didn't have enough time to check them out. I may get chance in the next 48 hours and, if so, will post on here.


Andy R.
Stuart ... I saw them in the distance yesterday, but just didn't have enough time to check them out. I may get chance in the next 48 hours and, if so, will post on here.


Andy R.

Managed to get to Whitemoor Haye briefly around midday today, only to find most of the grazing swans had dwindled to just seven birds, all Mutes. So no sign of any Whoopers, nor Little Owl, but good to see a total of nine Grey Partridge in two separate groups, plus two Raven over and 50-60 Fieldfare.


Andy R.
Note to self, fat fingers and touch-screen phones are a nightmare. I reported the 37 waxwings in Hanley yesterday as in Hamlet, and with a peregrine on the BY building. Went to press the backspace, caught a button to make the keyboard disappears and I hit send instead. Never had this trouble with phoning it in did you?

The waxwings were sat in the top of a tree (I think it was ash) on the corner as you turn into the Sainsbury's carpark. They then flew down towards Burger King to feed on a berry-laden rowan tree, a rare thing this year, before returning to the higher tree. They had a few starlings with them too and I heard a mistle thrush, so I don't think them berries will be there much longer. Plenty of berries by the bus station in Hanley though; next port of call??

Woodland Birds and Gardens

Might be a good idea to keep an eye on your garden bird feeders. Woodland birds are present in increasing numbers. In some woodlands there may be a lack of food present. I went for a walk in local woodland recently and there was a distinct lack of birds present other than the occasional Robin, Nuthatch, Wren and a Heron below a small waterfall.


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Might be a good idea to keep an eye on your garden bird feeders. Woodland birds are present in increasing numbers. In some woodlands there may be a lack of food present. I went for a walk in local woodland recently and there was a distinct lack of birds present other than the occasional Robin, Nuthatch, Wren and a Heron below a small waterfall.



i have noticed large numbers of coal tits nuthatches and robins at my feeders for the last couple of months,because of the lack of natural food in the local woods.


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i have noticed large numbers of coal tits nuthatches and robins at my feeders for the last couple of months,because of the lack of natural food in the local woods.

Yeh agree - had only my 2nd ever garden Nuthatch last week and a few coal tit visiting regularly but in contrast had only Robin of the month on Monday...but we have got a raiding male sparrowhawk so maybe that's got a taste for Robins!!
Radial park

4 waxwing along canal path
2 yellowhammer
1 brambling
1 buzzard
2 sprawks
2 jays
2 snipe
lots of thrushes

also 3 waxwings at the end of fletcher road where it meets south terrace
Worst on Record Breeding Season - UK 2012 BTO Report

Hi all,

Here are three interesting news article/press release from the BTO in regard to what is described as the worst on record breeding season for nesting birds in the UK for 2012.




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