The Moore-hen
Association of Satirical Birders & Ornitholigists
Does anyone know if Gordon Ireson is still alive? I understand he's been birding in Staffordshire in recent years, and am hoping to get in contact with him about a Purple Heron he found near Earlswood Lakes in the 1950s.
A good few records from GMI in my research into the birds of Gailey...and I'm only up to 1958 so far! There is a report entitled 'The Birds of Earlswood' in the 1956 edition of 'The West Midland Bird Report No.23' by A Winspear Cundall and John Sears which I'm assuming you have already seen? The Purple Heron is in the 1956 report and states 'An imm first identified by A.W.C (AW Cundall) remained on the canal near Earlswood from 31.8-15.9.56 (GMI) and was described by several observers'.
Hope this helps.
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