Hi there, my name is Maarten. This late april and start of may I’m going to Slovenia with a group of friends. We all study Forest and Nature management so most of our trip will be outside in nature!
The first half of our visit will be in Triglavski park and the last days we will spend our time near Postojna.
I already did quite some research about places to go, but I really really want to make sure I dont overlook some places.
We’re already planning to go to Mount Mangart to go and look for Wallcreeper and other alpine species.
Other places that are on the list to visit are Ljubljana Marshes, Lake Cerknica, Skocjanski zatok Nature Reserve, Krajinski park, Sneznik, Vipava valley
We know that some of the species we are looking are slim to none like Lanius Minor, Locustella fluviatillis or Carpodacus erythrinus. And some species we know might not have arrived yet.
Target species are:
Barred warbler-Curruca nisoria
Pygmy cormorant- Microcarbo pygmaeus
Grey-headed woodpecker-Picus canus
Bee-eater- Merops apiaster
Wryneck- Jynx torquilla(seem to always have bad luck with this species)
Hoopoe-Upupa epops
Ural owl- Strix uralensis
Rock bunting-Emberiza cia
Scops owl-Otus scops
Ring Ouzel- Turdus torquatus
Golden eagle- Aquila chrysaetos
Great horned owl - Bubo bubo
White-winged tern-Chlidonias leucopterus
Blue rock thrush- Monticola solitarus
Three toed woodpecker - Picoides tridactylus
Penduline tit - Remiz pendulinus
Roller-Coracias garrulus
Rock ptarmigan-Lagopus muta
Red-throated pipit-Anthus cervinus
White-backed woodpeckerDendrocopos leucotos
Rock patridge-Alectoris graeca
Collared flycatcher- Ficedula albicollis
Red-breasted flycatcher
Ferruginous duck - Aythya nyroca
Moustached warbler - Acrocephalus melanopogon
Sardinian Warbler - Curruca melanocephala
Eastern Subalpine Warbler - Curruca cantillans
I know this list is quite long and I dont know if some of these species are even realistic to see, but it would mean a lot to me if someone has good recommondations!!
Also we maybe want to book a boat trip to see some sea/shorebirds any recommondations for a guided bird tour? Or a private boat tour?
Many many thanks in advance!!
Kind regards Maarten
The first half of our visit will be in Triglavski park and the last days we will spend our time near Postojna.
I already did quite some research about places to go, but I really really want to make sure I dont overlook some places.
We’re already planning to go to Mount Mangart to go and look for Wallcreeper and other alpine species.
Other places that are on the list to visit are Ljubljana Marshes, Lake Cerknica, Skocjanski zatok Nature Reserve, Krajinski park, Sneznik, Vipava valley
We know that some of the species we are looking are slim to none like Lanius Minor, Locustella fluviatillis or Carpodacus erythrinus. And some species we know might not have arrived yet.
Target species are:
Barred warbler-Curruca nisoria
Pygmy cormorant- Microcarbo pygmaeus
Grey-headed woodpecker-Picus canus
Bee-eater- Merops apiaster
Wryneck- Jynx torquilla(seem to always have bad luck with this species)
Hoopoe-Upupa epops
Ural owl- Strix uralensis
Rock bunting-Emberiza cia
Scops owl-Otus scops
Ring Ouzel- Turdus torquatus
Golden eagle- Aquila chrysaetos
Great horned owl - Bubo bubo
White-winged tern-Chlidonias leucopterus
Blue rock thrush- Monticola solitarus
Three toed woodpecker - Picoides tridactylus
Penduline tit - Remiz pendulinus
Roller-Coracias garrulus
Rock ptarmigan-Lagopus muta
Red-throated pipit-Anthus cervinus
White-backed woodpeckerDendrocopos leucotos
Rock patridge-Alectoris graeca
Collared flycatcher- Ficedula albicollis
Red-breasted flycatcher
Ferruginous duck - Aythya nyroca
Moustached warbler - Acrocephalus melanopogon
Sardinian Warbler - Curruca melanocephala
Eastern Subalpine Warbler - Curruca cantillans
I know this list is quite long and I dont know if some of these species are even realistic to see, but it would mean a lot to me if someone has good recommondations!!
Also we maybe want to book a boat trip to see some sea/shorebirds any recommondations for a guided bird tour? Or a private boat tour?
Many many thanks in advance!!
Kind regards Maarten