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Birding On Mull (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hi everyone and a HAPPY NEW YEAR
We're going for a weeks birding on Mull in the Spring with some friends, we hope to use one of the local guides for a day or two when we're there so any recommendations would be gratefully received.

Many thanks and Happy Birding for 2008.
We visited Mull last year and took a trip round with Richard Atkinson and it was great
he showed us plenty of wildlife including White Tailed and Golden Eagle's, Otters and
Merlin I would highly recomend one of his tours.
As Barry suggests Richard Atkinson is excellent as also are Pam and Arthur from Discover Mull, it's money well spent. We're returning for a 4th time on May 3rd. Wonderful place.
Thanks for the info all of you, we going on the th May so hopefully the Corncrake's will be in full voice. found the guides on the net they both seem good so will have to decide.

once again thanks for the prompt replies.
When we visited Mull last May we went on a tour with Mull Wildlife Expeditions run by Dave Woodhouse, we had an excellent days birding plus sightings of Otters etc. I don't think it matters which tour you decide to go on as they all share information as to whats about and visit more or less the same hotspots. I would recommend any first time visitors or anyone on a short visit to go on one of these excursions they're well worth the money.

Pam and Arthur are a very nice couple and their trips give an insight into Mull's history as well as having a good knowledge of Mull's flora and fauna. As Rob said all the companies are very good and share their sightings with each other as well as with people who aren't with their trip. Last year Richard Atkinson told us where we might see an Osprey (and we did). Wishing you a good trip.

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