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Birds around Bromyard (1 Viewer)


My wife and I, occasional but not fanatical birders, are spending the first week of May in a cottage near Bromyard.

Any help on the best birding spots in the area would be most welcome - bearing in mind that I am disabled (heart problems) and can't walk far, or uphill hardly at all! Still, I don't let it stop me or get me down - I am enjoying life...
Hi there,

I'm trying to find out which Counties still use the Watsonian Vice County system to record birds in and which go by whatever the political boundary may change to (and why).

The Watsonian Vice County system was set to accurately record and compare historical and modern data and it seems that there can be/is confusion when some counties no longer use this system whilst others do. Does anyone in your county have a view on this ? Discussion here if anyone has a comment:


ps this is not about getting more or less county ticks, more a question about uniformity in recording.

Johnny Allan
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