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Birds of Peru, Schulenberg, et al. Rev. Ed. 2010, Quick Index (1 Viewer)

Jim M.

Member since 2007
United States
Hopefully, one day all field guides will have a quick index printed on the inside front or back cover. But until that day arrives, we have to create our own!

I am attaching one that I created in the hope that it will save others from the hours of tedious work these require. Numbers refer to page numbers rather than plate numbers because that is what the authors chose to use in the main index. I have provided a word document, so you can modify to your liking. Though if you are not familiar with working with tables in MS Word, you may have to get up to speed on that if you want to make significant modifications efficiently.


  • Peru 2d ed quick index FINAL .docx
    21.4 KB · Views: 172
Here's an Excel Trip List I've made to deal with the taxonomic sequence and the issues caused by Schulenberg et al. not using the IOC sequence for the plates. Hope it helps when you do your daily diary. Should be self explanatory.


  • Peru Trip List.xlsx
    120.9 KB · Views: 69
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