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Birds of prey in bonnie Scotland (1 Viewer)

West End Birder

Well-known member
Hi All

On Friday a business trip takes me from Edinburgh to the North Lakes Hotel. My chauffeur is going to drive from Peebles to Moffat across the moors etc.

I had a quick look at the BTO Breeding Birds Atlas and see that both Osprey and Golden Eagle appear to breed in this general area. On a scale of 0-10 where 10 is definite, how likely is it that I could see either - I assume 0 and 0!


Apologies is this should be in the local section further down the page
Hi All

On Friday a business trip takes me from Edinburgh to the North Lakes Hotel. My chauffeur is going to drive from Peebles to Moffat across the moors etc.

I had a quick look at the BTO Breeding Birds Atlas and see that both Osprey and Golden Eagle appear to breed in this general area. On a scale of 0-10 where 10 is definite, how likely is it that I could see either - I assume 0 and 0!


Apologies is this should be in the local section further down the page

Chances are pretty low I would have said.

Have you thought about going down the A7 over Langholm Moor instead-very good chances of hen harriers/other raptors. Friends on an outing had excellent views recently. http://www.langholmproject.com/
Thanks for the replies, I am going to North Berwick first to try to scope Puffin from afar (this is all year ticking stuff by the way, already have HH thanks) and anything else that might be there then driving across the moors.

It's in my chauffeur's hands (he's not really a chauffeur, just a work colleague but he enjoys birdwatching with me, poor bloke)
On a scale of 0-10 where 10 is definite, how likely is it that I could see either - I assume 0 and 0!

-1? (On the basis that if square roots of negative numbers are imaginary, so are negative probabilities.)

Seriously though, possibly slightly more chance of Osprey. In my experience, drive-by Goldies don't exist, despite hardly ever looking at the road when driving in the Highlands ;)
Moffat isn't too far from Annandale Water (the A74 services), which is where I saw an Osprey fishing once a few years ago; so I'd say your chances of seeing one are about 50/50! for them;)
Thank you peeps.

On another subject Dave Ball you have got me thinking about A-Level (and some Uni) Maths. Can you have a negative probability? Surely it is either not probable or (to some extent) probable.

Excellent thread drift
Thanks for the replies, I am going to North Berwick first to try to scope Puffin from afar (this is all year ticking stuff by the way, already have HH thanks) and anything else that might be there then driving across the moors.

It's in my chauffeur's hands (he's not really a chauffeur, just a work colleague but he enjoys birdwatching with me, poor bloke)

I get the impression that you won't have a lot of free time available, but if you do maybe you could think about taking a fast rib over to the Isle of May where you can see puffins and other seabirds up close. You can even experience the pleasure of being pecked by a tern!

These boat trips leave from North Berwick.
Unlikely I'm afraid although not impossible - most terns in the area will be Sandwich or Common.

A killer whale was seen from North Berwick a week or so ago and while there have been no sightings since you might as well be aware!
Thank you peeps.

On another subject Dave Ball you have got me thinking about A-Level (and some Uni) Maths. Can you have a negative probability? Surely it is either not probable or (to some extent) probable.

Excellent thread drift

You don't think I was being serious, do you? Though I do like the idea of imaginary probabilities. Think I've encountered that a few times looking for Savi's, Bee-eater or whatever in Bedfordshire, where the only way to bird is insanely optimistically.

Ninja'ed by Nutcracker on the Osprey. Good luck, anyway.
Thanks for the replies, I am going to North Berwick first to try to scope Puffin from afar (this is all year ticking stuff by the way, already have HH thanks) and anything else that might be there then driving across the moors.

It's in my chauffeur's hands (he's not really a chauffeur, just a work colleague but he enjoys birdwatching with me, poor bloke)

It sounds like you haven't got time and need more of a "smash and grab", but if you need Puffin, Arctic Tern etc a boat trip to the Farnes from Seahouses would do it! If you really found yourself with hours to spare, a trip further south to Amble would get you a trip to Coquet Island where Roseates breed.
I got Puffin okay, and was bowled over at the Bass Rock - must've seen more Gannets there than I have ever seen in 50 years x 1000!

Drew a blank on any BOPs

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