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Birds of the middle East (1 Viewer)

Hey, now that the new Birds of the Middle East (Eriksen and Porter) is out, I'm wondering what people think they most recommend for a guide (specifically for northern Iraq). I already have the first (1996) version of the Porter guide with drawings and am looking for a second guide. I'm also considering the Birds of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East which is older, but looks nice. I can see the photos in the preview of the latter one (Jiguert et al) and don't really know much about the newer Eriksen one. Can anyone compare them for me or comment on the Eriksen one?
Hey, now that the new Birds of the Middle East (Eriksen and Porter) is out, I'm wondering what people think they most recommend for a guide (specifically for northern Iraq). I already have the first (1996) version of the Porter guide with drawings and am looking for a second guide. I'm also considering the Birds of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East which is older, but looks nice. I can see the photos in the preview of the latter one (Jiguert et al) and don't really know much about the newer Eriksen one. Can anyone compare them for me or comment on the Eriksen one?
The new Birds of the Middle East is a small photographic guide covering a selection of birds that you're likely to see in the region. It's probably more aimed at tourists interested in nature that want to bring a small format guide, rather than more serious birders, since many species are not included at all i the guide.
Well, I decided to get Birds of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. It is a bit smaller than some full guides, but that's because it squeezes 860 birds onto its 420 pages. I haven't really used a photo guide in quite a while, but am happy with how it complements the drawings in the old version I have of Porter et al. I haven't really tried it out on the wheatears, which give me fits here, but it looks helpful. I like that it has arrows to key id features. The maps not really reaching to where I live is not so great, but E-bird and Birds of the World can solve that problem. All the info on a bird being on one page (no shifting to the second half of the book) is definitely nice, but naturally a bit limited.


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