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Birds of the Red Sea, Egypt (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Greetings from the hot sunshine of Egypt.

Following on from my bird ID card project, I am working on slides of all the species I have photographed over the past year here on the Red Sea Coast.

I have put them on our Rotary Club website as Environmental Awareness is a new area of focus for Rotary all over the world from 1st July.

Any comments/suggestions welcome. As you click on each photo it takes you to the link of the species on eBird for Bahr Al Ahmar (Red Sea).

That's another great project you've put together Georgina.

Thanks for letting us see it lass.
The migration began very early this year with storks passing overhead from 2nd August!! This video I took a few days ago:

Working with NGO, Red Sea Projects, they have translated the Birds of the Red Sea photographic guide into 4 other languages so far. Italian, German, French, and Arabic.


I am updating the English version on our Rotary Club website:

I have added Sooty Gull, Common Kingfisher, Whimbrel, and Grey Plover.

Just need a better camera now than my Nikon B700.

Dreaming of a Canon EOS R5 with RF 100-500mm lens but I think at that price it will just stay in my dreams!!
Good Morning from Egypt
Super exciting news to share about the Birds of the Red Sea Project I am busy with through Rotary Club of Red Sea - El Gouna.

Local NGO Red Sea Projects have now translated the photographic guide into 10 different languages and translated all the species into Arabic.

Canon Egypt were also excited to hear about the project and have sent demo camera and lenses of their latest technology to use. I have received:

Canon EOS R6 mirrorless full frame camera
Canon RF 800mm super telephoto lens
Canon RF 100-500mm lens
Canon RF 1.4 extender

I have prepared a short introductory video explaining more:


And I will add the photos and videos to a new Facebook page for the project:


Off out now to play with all this amazing equipment.
Here are my November photos taken in El Gouna, Red Sea, Egypt:

Please follow the Birds of the Red Sea Facebook page for December photos:

Loving all this Canon equipment on loan for the Rotary Club environmental project. Busy trying out all the combinations of lenses (RF 100-500mm and RF 800mm) and RF1.4 extender. Still getting to grips with all the menus and settings but the kestrels opposite my balcony are mating everyday so a good subject to practice on at home.

Just off to catch low tide hopefully at one of the lagoons to figure out which gulls are Caspian Gulls and which are Armenian. Need to get closer but completely exposed on the sandbank in the middle of the lagoon :ROFLMAO:
Greetings from Egypt.

Still happy to report I have all the wonderful Canon equipment on loan for the Rotary Club project documenting all the birds of the Red Sea:

I have been trying to get my head round all the different gulls arriving here. So confusing.

Wishing everyone a safe and peaceful Christmas.

I took part in the water bird counting days organised by Nature Conservation Egypt and Eurasian Shorebird Survey this month.

Here is a short video I took:
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