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Birds with bad hair do! (1 Viewer)


New member
Hi everyone!

I am new to this forum and this is my first post so if it is in the wrong place then please forgive me.

I am trying to ID a pair of birds that were nesting in my next door neighbours garden back in April/May. At first glance it looked like a pair of blackbirds with bad hair do's but then I noticed they had not so much a crest on their heads but more like tufts of feathers sticking up. The male was black and about the size of a blackbird but the feathers were not as shiny as most blackbird males. I have just assumed that the black bird of the species is the male at this point.

The one that I assumed is the female is like the blackbird female but this one has a shorter tail I think.


to cut it short I did manage to take a few photos of the female and hope you can help me ID it!

Sorry but I can't seem to find a way to insert the photo's into this post so if someone can let me know how to upload the photo's I will.

Thank you!

I have recieved instrucions on how to add photo's so here go's

Thanks Delia Todd for your help with this matter!


  • bird.jpg
    49.7 KB · Views: 96
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Hi James

Sorry you're having trouble uploading your pictures. Here's a few hints.

To upload your pictures, first make sure they're no more than 1600 pixels on the longest side. Save a copy to your desktop. This is for jpgs, it varies for other formats, which are shown on the pop-up screen.

To upload the pictures in a thread, make sure you're in an advanced posting mode, either by starting a new thread, or by clicking on Post Reply (if you're in Quick Reply, click on Go Advanced). Or in your case you can simply select Edit at the bottom of your post.

After you've typed your comment, scroll down below the message pane and you will see a grey Manage Attachments button.

Click on that and then Browse for your first picture and double click on it. Click on Upload and wait a few seconds until you see the filename appear in the box.

You can do this 4 more times for each post (the maximum is 5 pictures per post, but there is no limit in the thread).

Close the box.

You can check the pictures are there if you click on Preview.

When you submit your post the pictures should appear at the bottom.

Do come back if you need more assistance.
hi James

to add photos

if you click on

go advanced

then scroll down you

you will probably have to reduce the sizevof the image too



  • screenshotBF.png
    49.7 KB · Views: 3
Hi James

Sorry you're having trouble uploading your pictures. Here's a few hints.

To upload your pictures, first make sure they're no more than 1600 pixels on the longest side. Save a copy to your desktop. This is for jpgs, it varies for other formats, which are shown on the pop-up screen.

To upload the pictures in a thread, make sure you're in an advanced posting mode, either by starting a new thread, or by clicking on Post Reply (if you're in Quick Reply, click on Go Advanced). Or in your case you can simply select Edit at the bottom of your post.

After you've typed your comment, scroll down below the message pane and you will see a grey Manage Attachments button.

Click on that and then Browse for your first picture and double click on it. Click on Upload and wait a few seconds until you see the filename appear in the box.

You can do this 4 more times for each post (the maximum is 5 pictures per post, but there is no limit in the thread).

Close the box.

You can check the pictures are there if you click on Preview.

When you submit your post the pictures should appear at the bottom.

Do come back if you need more assistance.

well I tried ;)
LOL with your picture, and my instructions, between us he might get there Buck!!

Well done - I always struggle with screen shots!
It is a blackbird

I have googled the female blackbird to list images only and I have not seen any that has a tail as short as the one I saw and also all the female blackbird images on google have smooth heads no tufts or crests!

The male was the same!

I wish I had took video instead of photo that way I might have caught both male and female on cam!

Thanks to all who helped Id this bird for me as I said before I am new to birds and I have only been feeding them for a few year now and I have only had robins, crows, blue tits and great tits on my bird table.
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I agree with a female Blackbird with a bad hairdo. As both the male and female shows this and its very rare for a Blackbird to show such an amount of misplaced feathers, I would like to recieve comments of suspected/possible reasons for this (both of a breeding pair).
And you are right, the tail seems to be short. Maybe some lost feathers. Sometimes a bird does shed feathers (for example when an accident happens) and the regrowing feathers outside of the normal moulting time results in an unusual shape. The german word for this is Schreckmauser.

And: welcome to birdforum from me too!
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