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Bishop Middleham - 2 Waders (01/SEP) (1 Viewer)

498 Ramblin Alex

Active member

Hi everyone.

Amidst the Lapwing and Starlings, after reviewing a video I see two different waders in there at the top (left -top) of the image. What do you think?

Video here full of birds on the evening (00:14 - 00:20) will be better help: 1350494.mp4

I think the quality is only good if you play it through the App though.

Thank you.

My first thought for the larger one was Golden Plover, but maybe the legs are too long, so could easily be a Ruff...

Smaller one could easily be Dunlin though I don't know if my impression of a long, downcurved bill is an artefact.

I think I see another small wader (likely another Dunlin or similar) - go right from the probable Ruff to the next Lapwing, up to the Starling that looks like it's trying to pass itself off as a Ring Ouzel, and right again...
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