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Botswana - Khwai Development Trust? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member

Excuse me for posting in the SA forum, but there doesn't seem to be any forum for Botswana.

Back in 2005 I visited Botswana for my first trip to Africa, and loved it. While there I was taken by the work that the locals were doing at Khwai River and checked out their website - www.khwai.org. Now I'm paying a return visit this June and I was looking back at some of the old links from the previous visit. But khwai.org no longer exists and, from the Internet Archive it seems as if it's been dead for the last two years.

Does anybody know what happened to the KDT and their work on Community Based Natural Resource Management in the Khwai area?

Excuse me for posting in the SA forum, but there doesn't seem to be any forum for Botswana.

Back in 2005 I visited Botswana for my first trip to Africa, and loved it. While there I was taken by the work that the locals were doing at Khwai River and checked out their website - www.khwai.org. Now I'm paying a return visit this June and I was looking back at some of the old links from the previous visit. But khwai.org no longer exists and, from the Internet Archive it seems as if it's been dead for the last two years.

Does anybody know what happened to the KDT and their work on Community Based Natural Resource Management in the Khwai area?

Hello, Frank,

I have forwarded your query to some contacts in Maun, Botswana. I will post any information just as soon as I receive it.

Best wishes,
My Maun contact has responded with the following information......

"The consultant that is currently involved with the Kwai trust is called Dr Chris Brooks. His email address is [email protected] or [email protected].
The phone number for the Kwai Development trust is 09267 680 1211."

That looks like a good starting point for further enquiries. If I learn anything further I will let you know.

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