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Brandon Marsh (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
A few of my highlights seen at Brandon Marsh yesterday were a Nuthatch on a seed feeder viewed from cafe, never seen one on feeders before and I was surprised that the nut feeder wasn't the preferred choice.lol! Goldeneye (f) on East Marsh Pool and a Water Rail put in a brief appearance in front of the East Marsh Hide. Bullfinch (2x m + 1 f ) feeding on the berries along with Redwings and Blackbirds viewed from the Carlton Hide. A walk in the afternoon along the path around Swallow Pool was productive! Great views of a flock (well 3) Goldcrests feeding close together on the brambles opposite New Hare Covert along with Robins (3). A perched Green Woodpecker gave great views and also a distant perched Buzzard. A flock of c25 Redpoll sp flew overhead and numerous Redwings were seen flying to the berry trees in the Covert and a couple of Siskins called as they also flew overhead. The sun shone brightly thus accentuating the Autumnal colours of the trees and shrubs! All told it was a great day!


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Spent a super day at Brandon Marsh yesterday, it was so nice to be out in the sunshine (albeit a bit windy!) with the butterflies making a welcome appearance! Highlights from our day included Ringed & Little Ringed Plovers, 2 Ruff, 4 Redshank, 1 Oystercatcher, Lapwings & chicks, Common Snipe, Common Terns, BH Gulls, Greylag & Canada Geese, Gadwall, Teal, Mallards and Tufted Duck out on the main pool. Along the path to the golf course the area was almost alive with butterflies although they were struggling in the wind! Species seen included Comma, Holly Blue, Peacock, Brimstone and Speckled Wood, we also saw a weathered Cinnabar Moth and several Large Red Damselflies in the small stream along the path. We were treated to some super views of singing Willow Warblers, Blackcaps and Common Whitethroat, Lesser Whitethroat was heard but unfortunately not seen. We were hoping to hear/see Grasshopper Warbler in the reeds by the golf course, we weren't lucky on this occasion but we did hear plenty of Sedge Warblers, Chiffchaffs and a couple of Cettis Warblers! Swifts, Swallows and Martins were too numerous to count as they zipped through the sky! Throughout the day Cuckoo had been heard calling and we finally managed a flight view of one before it headed over to the golf course to continue its call! Just after this sighting a Kingfisher was heard and then seen heading over to the river at the edge of the reserve!


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A long time has passed since a post on this thread.
A visit yesterday was most enjoyable, not many visitors surprisingly though I believe there had been a few activities during the week. It is always good to see the youngsters around this splendid reserve.

Highlights today were the numerous Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps in song, great views were had of at least a couple of the male Blackcaps! A few more highlight species seen today in no particular order were Common and Green Sandpiper, Sand Martins busy nest making in the nesting bank, Reed Bunting, Willow Warbler, Redshank, Nuthatch, Little and Great Crested Grebe, Little and Ringed Plover, Common Buzzard, Bullfinch (pair) and a Treecreeper landing on a hide walkway rail carrying a feather was a nice surprise as usually we see them scurrying around a tree trunk!
Cetti's Warbler, Green Woodpecker, Sedge Warbler and Cuckoo were heard only.

Peacock, Orange-tip, Small Tortoiseshell and Small white butterflies were regularly seen around the reserve.


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Brandon Marsh always has a good number of Kingfisher present, I've usually seen a couple on my visits. I made a June 2014 visit as last year I had been lucky enough to have seen a parent and juvenile kingfisher together. This year I think they must have fledged a little earlier. There were a few around and I got this picture of a juvenile;
I had a memorable visit to Brandon Marsh today! Hobby x2, Cuckoo x2 and Kestrel x2 all viewed from the Ted Jury Hide, it was hard to choose which species to watch at times as they were all in view and for a lengthy time!

Warblers very vocal, Common Terns, Ringed Plover, Redshank, Dunlin x1, Great Spotted Woodpecker etc etc! The Cowslips looked a treat in several areas along with Bluebells. Brimstone, Peacock and Small tortoiseshell butterflies were abundant.

It is a pity this reserve is not reported on more on BirdForum as it offers such a lot for much of the year.
Wow - have there been any other spring records of Grey Phal in the West Mids region Brian?

Can't think of any off the top my head but don't have the relevant info to hand at the moment.

Just hope it sticks for everyone to see. After a poor wader passage across the region (B-w Stilts aside) this would undoubtedly be the highlight by some margin!

Worcester Birding
Ted Jury Hide

I will be visiting Coventry and hope to visit Brandon Marsh. Will anybody advise me where the Ted Jury Hide is in the reserve? I’ve looked at the Reserve Map on “Brandon Marsh the Unofficial Guide” web site but cannot find it. Any help will be appreciated.
I will be visiting Coventry and hope to visit Brandon Marsh. Will anybody advise me where the Ted Jury Hide is in the reserve? I’ve looked at the Reserve Map on “Brandon Marsh the Unofficial Guide” web site but cannot find it. Any help will be appreciated.

The Ted Jury Hide is past the Carlton Hide, it overlooks the Newlands Reedbed. Good luck!
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