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Britain's Birds 2nd Edition (1 Viewer)

Doctor Twitchings

Well-known member
Can anybody out there clarify when the 2nd edition of this excellent guide is due to be available? Recently Amazon stated May 22nd, but now states May 5th and out of stock! Wildsounds says it's due May 7th, and NHBS just states May 2020. I regard this as a significant publication and eagerly awaited, so would appreciate an update on this.
What are the updates. I agree it’s a great book. My youngest also has the “pocket” edition.


The available 'blurb' says that it has "Coverage of 12 new species recorded since the first edition plus revisions to reflect the latest taxonomy Coverage of all subspecies Improved identification aids, including more than 400 new photos, enhanced photo annotations and many redesigned plates". I didn't see any obvious changes after a quick look at the few plates available online other than the font colour on some plates seemed different seemed to have changed from blackish to blue. The page numbers and individual photos were the same so I'd imagine here's been no serious re-ordering of the plates and that the new plates may well be tucked away at the back.

I too have it on order so I hope it arrives soon. I admit rather than a second edition of the existing guide I was hoping for a new one albeit based on the original covering all European birds (even at the cost of omitting extreme rarities).
The available 'blurb' says that it has "Coverage of 12 new species recorded since the first edition plus revisions to reflect the latest taxonomy Coverage of all subspecies Improved identification aids, including more than 400 new photos, enhanced photo annotations and many redesigned plates". I didn't see any obvious changes after a quick look at the few plates available online other than the font colour on some plates seemed different seemed to have changed from blackish to blue. The page numbers and individual photos were the same so I'd imagine here's been no serious re-ordering of the plates and that the new plates may well be tucked away at the back.

I too have it on order so I hope it arrives soon. I admit rather than a second edition of the existing guide I was hoping for a new one albeit based on the original covering all European birds (even at the cost of omitting extreme rarities).

This title, presumably the old/current edition, is one of those available for free download from Project Muse as PDF
The available 'blurb' says that it has "Coverage of 12 new species recorded since the first edition plus revisions to reflect the latest taxonomy Coverage of all subspecies Improved identification aids, including more than 400 new photos, enhanced photo annotations and many redesigned plates". I didn't see any obvious changes after a quick look at the few plates available online other than the font colour on some plates seemed different seemed to have changed from blackish to blue. The page numbers and individual photos were the same so I'd imagine here's been no serious re-ordering of the plates and that the new plates may well be tucked away at the back.

I too have it on order so I hope it arrives soon. I admit rather than a second edition of the existing guide I was hoping for a new one albeit based on the original covering all European birds (even at the cost of omitting extreme rarities).

Cheers John.

If anybody receives a copy, an interesting test of how improved this second edition is would be to work through my comments on the gulls section (post #40 here: https://www.birdforum.net/showthread.php?p=3442580) and identify which ones have been addressed. Any volunteers?

I'd have thought it would have been better for you to do it yourself. I've ordered it precisely with the intention of seeing whether and how far it's been revised/improved so I've no problems checking what has or has not been changed (although I don't think I'd be confident about saying whether any changes were necessarily for the better).
I'd have thought it would have been better for you to do it yourself. I've ordered it precisely with the intention of seeing whether and how far it's been revised/improved so I've no problems checking what has or has not been changed (although I don't think I'd be confident about saying whether any changes were necessarily for the better).

Thanks. I was going to hold off from buying it just yet as I wanted to see what you thought of it first 🙂
It is reviewed as part of the RBA weekly newsletter - the reviewer seems well impressed. Special offer through RBA too.

I have both and I have to say I am very impressed with the updated version! A lot of new photos, sections on rare groups are great and text has been improved too! It is definitely worth getting!
I have both and I have to say I am very impressed with the updated version! A lot of new photos, sections on rare groups are great and text has been improved too! It is definitely worth getting!

You've got a copy! I ordered mine ages ago and there's no sign of it as yet not even notification that it's on the way.
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I have both too. Yes a lot of tweaks throughout the book - according to the back more than 800 new photos, enhanced annotations and redesigned pages. A total of over 3500 photos now.
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