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Buzzard Persecution Trial to be sponsored by DEFRA (1 Viewer)

Buzzard cull

More horrifying for me is, if they start the cull with Buzzards, where's the enmity towards raptors going to lead too; Red Kite, Harriers?!!!.
The recent news that DEFRA is fund a study looking at ways to limit the effects that the Common Buzzard MAY have on the pheasant populations with £375,000 of taxpayers money is a national disgrace.


What is worrying for those of us in Northumberland is that according to details released, this is the region DEFRA have chosen for the proposed "Cull".
DEFRA Proposals to Research Buzzard Management Techniques.

.... proposals by DEFRA to fund a research project up to £375,000 over three years to research the development of management techniques to reduce predation of Pheasant poults by Buzzards.

This research is very likely to take place in Northumberland as recommended by DEFRA.
End Quote

All of the work with other birds e.g. hen harriers and also red kites which have recently been seen near Alnwick and Tarset, will be put into jeopardy.

Why, when we have such a large membership on various forums, do we fail to get high commitment in signing these petitions?
DEFRA's statements quoted above are straightforward spin. In the same paragraph, they talk about investigating the extent of predation, then talk about it being a problem, and propose solutions to mitigate the problem.

What kind of science is this where you write the conclusion before undertaking the field-work?

If the only lawful way in which Buzzards could be controlled is using the "livestock" derogation of the EU directive, it would be very interesting to know how "livestock" is defined in the relevant law.

A very brief bit of Googling found this extract from the 1971 Animal's Act on DEFRA's website: "The definition of livestock in the 1971 Act is wider than in the 1953 Act. Here it includes pheasants, partridges and grouse whilst in captivity."

Since Buzzards could only predate pheasants no longer in captivity, does this mean they cannot be considered as livestock?
A very brief bit of Googling found this extract from the 1971 Animal's Act on DEFRA's website: "The definition of livestock in the 1971 Act is wider than in the 1953 Act. Here it includes pheasants, partridges and grouse whilst in captivity."

Since Buzzards could only predate pheasants no longer in captivity, does this mean they cannot be considered as livestock?

The predation issue, and this trial, is specifically about Buzzards taking Pheasant poults whilst in the release pens. So they are in captivity at the time, which consists of bits of woodland with a 6-8 ft fence around it (you can't put a roof on because of the trees).
That's an interesting question! Another reason that Member States can derogate from the Directive is if a bird is a serious threat to flora and fauna. Perhaps lawyers would say that they cease to be livestock on release from captivity but become fauna at the same moment! But what greater threat to Pheasants (as part of the flora and fauna) are there than shooting parties?!

DEFRA's statements quoted above are straightforward spin. In the same paragraph, they talk about investigating the extent of predation, then talk about it being a problem, and propose solutions to mitigate the problem.

What kind of science is this where you write the conclusion before undertaking the field-work?
I think it is a mistake to assume that this proposal ever had anything to do with science. It's all about a spineless bunch of public servants being frightened of upsetting a lobby group - a common enough scenario in the public sector. This time they'll be even more spineless than usual because the lobby group is backed, nay controlled, by influential, landed (k)nobs.

The really worrying bit about all this is that Defra are the original "Men from the Ministry" (for those old enough to remember that programme; for those who aren't, just substitute the words "incompetent, bumbling imbeciles"). They couldn't manage a bunk-up in a brothel. Ask any farmer or anyone who has had to work with them on adminstering European funding. Does anyone seriously think that their statement was drafted by people who know what they are doing? I rest my case.
The predation issue, and this trial, is specifically about Buzzards taking Pheasant poults whilst in the release pens. So they are in captivity at the time, which consists of bits of woodland with a 6-8 ft fence around it (you can't put a roof on because of the trees).

Alf, thanks for clarifying - clearly my assumption was wrong.
I confess to being worried about these proposals! I seriously believe the opportunity will be taken to operate an "open house" on raptor control, despite all those who will rise up and condemn this as unjust criticism. I've just written a piece on what I see as the weaknesses in all this ( http://www.birdingodyssey.blogspot.com/ " Buzzard control....an excuse by any other name ". ) We'll see, but we can't then claim we weren't aware of what was really intended!!! I have to agree with Jack Dawe in terms of the perceptiveness of officials.
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, which consists of bits of woodland with a 6-8 ft fence around it (you can't put a roof on because of the trees).

i've seen plenty of pens in small woodland clearings with roofs - surely if buzzards are such a problem a better sited pen would be a simple solution to this supposed problem??
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