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Cape May, accomodation information please (1 Viewer)

Jos Stratford

Eastern Exile
Staff member
United Kingdom
Thinking about a long weekend over in NY either in the last days of August or first days of September. If I go, I will probably also pop down to Cape May ...plenty of budget accomodation available in NY (hostels, etc) but looking on the internet I failed to find anything remotely budget in the Cape May area. Anybody been there and found somewhere good to stay? PS I'll probably will be without a car.
Try the West Cape, which is right across from the Meadows. http://www.westcapemotel.com/
How are you planning on getting to Cape May without a car?
If I were you, I'd forget about NY and fly to Philadelphia, whence you can get to Cape May fairly quickly using public transportation.
Best wishes,
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Cheap and Cape May? Words that don't go together. Though it will certainly be better now with the exchange rate than when I was there a few years back - during 9/11, which is another story.
For English its strange that the B&Bs are more expensive than hotels - and they are so pretentious, as are many of the restaurants.
We stayed in a motel on the edge of town, but unfortunately I can't remember the name. It was more reasonable, but not cheap.
As Rick suggests without transport it will be difficult - very difficult - to get to all the best birding sites.

If you will have no personal transportation, you could always go a bit further north to Sandy Hook the northern Peninsula of NJ. There is at least one hotel close by-within walking distance and a few good restaurants also within walking distance. There is an estuary that creates one side of the peninsula which makes for really nice birding opportunities. It is also only an hour from NYC.

Just a thought. It might save time and expense.

good luck whatever you choose to do!
Hi Jos,

If I were you I'd consider skipping Cape May and doing NYC. I bird NYC a bit and you can access Jamaica Bay, Central Park, Prospect Park and Forest Park fairly easily by PT. Jamaica Bay is probably as good as any shorebirding you'll find in Cape May and you'll be a little early for major land bird migration and IMHO NYC competes pretty well with Cape May for migrant warblers etc (you just don't get the excitement of morning flight). Also in my experience you kind of need a car in Cape May County to get to some of the more interesting sites as they are a little spread out.

Plus it's possible that the Reef-Heron may still be hanging out in the City.

PS: Tomorrow's edition of PEEPS, the e-Bulletin of the American Birding Association, contains links to a new website about Cape May birding.
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Hi Jos,

If I were you I'd consider skipping Cape May and doing NYC. I bird NYC a bit and you can access Jamaica Bay, Central Park, Prospect Park and Forest Park fairly easily by PT. Jamaica Bay is probably as good as any shorebirding you'll find in Cape May and you'll be a little early for major land bird migration and IMHO NYC competes pretty well with Cape May for migrant warblers etc (you just don't get the excitement of morning flight). Also in my experience you kind of need a car in Cape May County to get to some of the more interesting sites as they are a little spread out.


Thanks Luke, had began to think along similar lines and will probably go for this if the plan goe ahead. Just an added question, er, wandering about the NY sites with optics is not likely to see them vanishing off with a mugger, is it?
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