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Cape May/ New Jersey; Cetacean watching (1 Viewer)

M Collard

Well-known member
Hello all,

I am trying to set up a last minute trip to bird around Cape May in late May. Also through Maryland on the way through

I am trying to work out which book would give me the best birding site information; any help is much appreciated

I wonder also if anybody can give me some pointers towards the best company to see some cetaceans with; a boat which does not include wedding parties and all that type of activity would be preferable.

My thanks in advance

Mike/ UK
Briefly, sandy hook is often better than cape may in spring if you are going near NYC.
ebird is your best source and Cape May RBA. Cape May is usually worth a visit in spring though.

I wouldn't bother looking for cetaceans off the Jersey shore - often the whale watching boats just come close to shore to see the dolphins and don't see any whales. Often a good spot in Cape May for the dolphins is between congress hall and the lighthouse.

here are some links to start you off:




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