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Catalonia - Common Buzzard or Golden Eagle? (1 Viewer)


New member
I was birding today in an area known to have both and saw two large birds at a distance soaring very high above the skies. Unfortunately I couldn't snap any pics: I saw them from extremely far away and could only get a look with my cheap binoculars.

They were found in the Volcanic Park of La Garrotxa in Catalonia, both seen, as I said, from very far away, perhaps 1 or 2 km away, and soaring very high above a forested mountainous area, so size wasn't something I could judge correctly, they did seem big from a distance though. The main one I was tracking with my binoculars had very dark tips of the wings, followed by white streaks close towards the tip, and after that mostly dark brown wings. The contrast between white and brown was more noticeable when it turned so I could see it from above. Its wings were slightly raised and at one point it started doing small dives, slightly folding its wings back as it dived a few meters downwards, stopped, and repeated again.

Buzzard or golden eagle?
I'm sorry I can't give you an answer but I do want to wish you a warm welcome from those of us on Bird Forum.
Please join in wherever you like ;)
I was birding today in an area known to have both and saw two large birds at a distance soaring very high above the skies. Unfortunately I couldn't snap any pics: I saw them from extremely far away and could only get a look with my cheap binoculars.

They were found in the Volcanic Park of La Garrotxa in Catalonia, both seen, as I said, from very far away, perhaps 1 or 2 km away, and soaring very high above a forested mountainous area, so size wasn't something I could judge correctly, they did seem big from a distance though. The main one I was tracking with my binoculars had very dark tips of the wings, followed by white streaks close towards the tip, and after that mostly dark brown wings. The contrast between white and brown was more noticeable when it turned so I could see it from above. Its wings were slightly raised and at one point it started doing small dives, slightly folding its wings back as it dived a few meters downwards, stopped, and repeated again.

Buzzard or golden eagle?
The best answer you're gonna get is to just compare images online, buzzards have so much variation that a written description might not be enough. A golden eagle is extremely broad and has significant fingers. Mostly brown and white close to the tip of the wing sounds slightly like a juvenile golden eagle and being mostly dark brown is also good for a golden eagle. Thought colour morphs of buzzards are extremely varied. Did the wing seem to vary in colouration between the trailing end and leading end?
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