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Cheap places to stay in Oban and Glasgow for one night each? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hello all, sorry if this is the wrong area but we are thinking of going to Mull next year towards the end of June and the way the flights and accommodation are panning out it looks like we will need to include a night in Oban (27th June) on the way over and another in Glasgow (5th July) on the way back (preferably close to Glasgow airport). Could anyone recommend a cheap B&B for either location please? Or, alternatively, if anyone lives in the area and would be interested in putting us up for the night and maybe doing some birding we could repay the favour in return if they ever fancied a trip to sunny Norfolk! ;)

Also we may have a few hours to kill on the drives over so any advice on birding sites to stop off at en route would be fantastic.


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