James Lowther
Well-known member
Hello all,
some of you may have seen my thread searching for inspiration for this trip, well in the end despite a few minor logistic hiccups i had a great time. Species richness is probably lower than in May or September but still lots of interesting resident/migrant/wintering species to be seen!
Thanks to everyone who helped out but especially the awesome Jean Wang in Beidaihe (indispensable!) and BFs own Terry Townshend in Beijing.
If anyone needs any more info about anything will be very happy to help!
06/10/13 Arrive Beijing, travel directly to Beidaihe (staying at the Beidaihe International Club Hotel)
07-11/10/13 Beidaihe (with Shenyang-based American birder Inna Smith on 7th, otherwise alone)
12/10/13 Birding Beidaihe early morning, return to Beijing for conference starting 1330
13-15/10/13 At conference (no birding :C)
16/10/13 All day at Beijing Botanical Gardens & Fragrant Hills
17/10/13 Central Beijing; in morning sightseeing hutongs, Tian’anmen Sq, Forbidden City etc., afternoon at Temple of Heaven Park
18/10/13 Miyun Reservoir with Terry Townshend, Paul Holt and Ben Wielstra
19/10/13 Morning at Baihe Wetland Park, afternoon at the Great Wall at Mutianyu
20/10/13 Return home
Sites listed North to South. I only visited sites in town so no Lotus Hills, Yanghe estuary etc. For info Jin Shan field is not currently accessible.
Wetland Bird Reserve
Large, very quiet site on the north bank of the Xinhe river/reservoir. Permit for access is 50 Yuan arranged through Jean Wang. Entrance gate is just across the road from the International Club, unfortunately this was barricaded a couple of times early morning. Large complex of ponds which were unfortunately rather useless for wetland birds (too deep?); these are traversed by various boardwalks which I didn’t bother with much. There is a long triangular path round the outside of the reserve, this passes through some nice woods with scrubby understory and some more open landscaped or agricultural areas. One side of the triangle runs alongside the river, which had some ducks, herons etc. although there are large areas of reeds where the birds can go missing. Visited on 3 days.
The Sandflats
Vast area of beach with a huge and somewhat unpredictable tidal range, excellent for shorebirds, gulls etc.. From opposite the International Club south the entire area is fenced off so disturbance is minimal. A boardwalk runs the whole length. At the northern end this passes between some woods and scrub on the landward side and a small reedbed on the seaward side. Further south just a few small patches of reeds and bushes along its length. The boardwalk is a good vantage point for vis mig. Visited once or twice daily.
Southern Boardwalk/Pigeon’s Nest Park
The boardwalk carries on south of the Xinhe river bridge but the character is somewhat different as it passes through ornamental woods and past areas of saltmarsh and a large reedbed. The popular/ludicrous tourist attraction Pigeon’s Nest Park is an extension of this area, entrance 25 Yuan or thereabouts. Southern boardwalk walked once or twice on each of the full days, Pigeon’s Nest just once.
The Orchard
A large walled area of allotments in the midst of various hotels etc. Seems to have nice potential but I didn’t see anything there that I didn’t also see elsewhere. Visited twice.
Friendship Hotel
Large hotel grounds, mix of landscaped areas with trees, flowerbeds and open understory, plus rougher areas, allotments etc. Most productive areas in north west (turn left immediately as you go in the main gate) and the far eastern end near the Friendship Club. Visited on each of the full days.
Lighthouse Point
Unlike the immaculately tidy remainder of Beidaihe, this area is a dump, both literally and figuratively. Also that’s what some of the locals take there, so watch where you are stepping! This is a narrow strip of woods and scrub between the launching area for the local fishing fleet and the back gardens of various villas. Some very nice birds but a bit unpredictable. I think it was previously possible to get round further onto a more open bushy area at the end of the point, but not any more. Visited three times.
Beijing Botanical Gardens/Fragrant Hills
Very attractive park on the northwest edge of Beijing city. The gardens themselves are mostly a mix of planted bushes and large trees but with some wilder areas, a few ponds etc. You can climb out of the top end of the gardens up to the ridge of the Fragrant Hills, this area covered in dry deciduous forest and scrub, also good for raptor and other visible migration.
Temple of Heaven Park
Highly landscaped park in the centre of the city, lawns and geometrically perfect ranks of trees. Still lots of birds, I guess attracted to such a large oasis of green in the midst of a giant urban area.
Miyun Reservoir
We visited two sites (Hou Ba Jia Zhuang and Yongle Cun) on the south and north shores of the eastern corner of this huge reservoir. Variety of habitats incl. open water, extensive reed beds, maize, peanut and stubble fields etc.
Baihe Wetland Park
River with reed beds and gravel beaches, spits etc. passing between steep rocky hillsides in the hills north of Beijing. A well-known site for Ibisbill but unfortunately I didn’t see any…
Heavily visited part of the Great Wall, set in beautiful forest, not really a birding site but there’s always a chance of seeing something good.
Species order, taxonomy etc. follows Birds of East Asia by Mark Brazil (very good, although I’ve indicated below some areas where it’s a bit misleading). For information I’ve included all species which I personally saw or heard regardless of whether views were in my estimation untickable.
Japanese Quail
4-5 flushed at Miyun, some good flight views. 1 bird flushed at Beidaihe Wetland Centre on 10/10 probably this sp. but maybe Yellow-legged Buttonquail? Seemed quite rusty coloured.
Ring-necked Pheasant
Small numbers seen/heard various sites round Beidaihe, Miyun, Mutianyu etc.
Bean Goose
4 in flight at Miyun, 1 grey goose sp. seen flying past the sandflats on 12/10 probably this sp.
Common Shelduck
~10 offshore at the sandflats, 07/10
Mandarin Duck
Flock of ~20 females seen in flight along the river at Beidaihe Wetland Reserve, 11/10. One female seen Miyun.
~40 at Miyun.
Eurasian Wigeon
6 at Miyun.
Fairly common, sandflats, wetland centre, Miyun, Baihe etc.
Eastern Spot-billed Duck
Common Miyun, also ~10 daily at the wetland centre, 4 at Baihe.
Baikal Teal
At Miyun a large but very distant flock of “teal” which would periodically fly around in unison contained good numbers of this species according to Paul.
Eurasian Teal
~5 daily at the sandflats, common at Miyun.
Common Pochard
1 fem offshore at the sandflats, 11/10. 2 males at Miyun.
Tufted Duck
1 male offshore at the sandflats, 11/10. 5 at Miyun.
Common Goldeneye
1 female Miyun.
Red-breasted Merganser
1 fem offshore at the sandflats, 10-11/10.
Little Grebe
~5 daily at the sandflats. Also common Miyun, 5 each at the Botanical Gardens and Baihe. Local form is the yellow-eyed poggei.
Great Crested Grebe
1 at the sandflats, 10/10. Common Miyun.
Eurasian Bittern
2+ seen in flight, Miyun.
Chinese Pond Heron
1 injured individual at the wetland centre, 11/10.
Grey Heron
~5 daily at the sandflats, 4 at Miyun, 1 Baihe.
Great White Egret
Common round Beidaihe. Very popular with photographers! Not sure whether western (alba) or eastern (modesta) or both incipient spp. present.
Little Egret
Common round Beidaihe.
Great Cormorant
~10 daily at the sandflats, plus flyby migrants which may have been this sp. or Temminck’s. 1 at Miyun.
Eurasian Kestrel
1-2 seen at the sandflats on a couple of occasions. 1 seen from my hotel bedroom, central Beijing, 14/10.
Amur Falcon
At least one seen Beidaihe 07/10. ~30 over 09/10.
1 female gave several flybys at Miyun.
Northern Hobby
Small numbers overhead at Beidaihe daily.
Saker Falcon
Pair seen circling high over Baihe valley.
Peregrine Falcon
1 at the sandflats, 09/10
Eastern Marsh Harrier
About 3 fem/imms seen Miyun.
Hen Harrier
1 harrier in dense early morning smog at the sandflats 10/10 maybe this sp. 2 ringtails seen Miyun.
Eurasian Sparrowhawk
Singles over Beidaihe 07 & 11/10. Three migrants over Fragrant Hills, one each Miyun and Baihe.
Northern Goshawk
One migrating over the Fragrant Hills.
Eastern Buzzard
1-2 daily at the wetland centre. 1 each Fragrant Hills, Miyun and Baihe. Not a universally recognised split.
Greater Spotted Eagle
1 seen Miyun, just a dark, but distinctively shaped silhouette through the smog..
Eastern Water Rail
2 seen at close range at the northern end of the sandflats, 12/10.
Common Moorhen
2-3 daily at the wetland centre. 5 at Miyun.
Common Coot
1 at the wetland centre, 10/10. Very common Miyun.
White-naped Crane
13 seen at Miyun, all rather distant.
Common Crane
2 close overhead at Miyun.
Red-crowned Crane
1 seen very distantly and through dense smog at Miyun. Still a beautiful and distinctive bird! Very lucky to see this one as only the 2nd record for Beijing.
Northern Lapwing
Flock of 17 at the sandflats, 12/10.
Pacific Golden Plover
~10 daily at the sandflats.
Grey Plover
~20 daily at the sandflats.
Little Ringed Plover
~10 daily at the sandflats.
Kentish Plover
100+ daily at the sandflats.
Eurasian Woodcock
1 at the Friendship Hotel, 09-10/10.
Bar-tailed Godwit
~20 daily at the sandflats.
Eurasian Curlew
~5 daily at the sandflats.
Far Eastern Curlew
1-2 daily at the sandflats.
Spotted Redshank
1 seen a couple of times at the sandflats, 1 at Miyun.
Marsh Sandpiper
1 seen at the sandflats, conveniently with a bunch of Greenshanks for comparison, 12/10.
Common Greenshank
~20 daily at the sandflats.
Green Sandpiper
2 at the wetland centre, 10/10.
Great Knot
1-2 seen several times at the sandflats. Normally very distant but seen at close range in the high tide roost 10/10.
Red-necked Stint
~20 daily at the sandflats.
Curlew Sandpiper
1 seen at the sandflats 07/10.
~20 daily at the sandflats.
Black-tailed Gull
~50 daily at the sandflats and elsewhere round the coast at Beidaihe.
Common Gull
~50 daily at the sandflats.
Vega/Mongolian Gull
~50 daily at the sandflats, 2 at Miyun. According to Paul and Terry Mongolian is the default sp. but truthfully I’ve no idea which I was seeing.. thankfully for tick-hungry types like me these taxa are lumped together by most authorities, although Clements treats them as subspecies of Herring and Caspian Gull respectively. Incidentally BOU treat both as subspecies of “American Herring Gull” – not the greatest choice of name really! One of several taxonomic/nomenclatural tangles in the region seemingly.
Heuglin’s Gull
2 adults at the sandflats 07/10. Mantle colour maybe a touch paler than a British LBBG, yellow-orange legs. Not sure if heuglini or taimyrensis (whatever the merits of that particular taxon). Most authorities lump with LBBG, Dutch Birding split both Heuglin’s and Taimyr Gulls!
Relict Gull
An immature (2cy?) gave a brief flyby at a beach south of Pigeon’s Nest Park, 07/10.
Black-Headed Gull
Very common Beidaihe and Miyun.
Saunders’s Gull
1 slightly scraggly adult daily at the sandflats. Normally very close to the boardwalk regardless of the state of the tide.
Rock Dove
Feral pigeon common throughout.
Hill Pigeon
A flock of 23 on the cliffs above the road at Baihe.
Oriental Turtle Dove
In Beidaihe about 5 daily at the wetland centre, the Friendship Hotel etc. About 5 at the Beijing Botanical Gardens.
Spotted Dove
Singles noted several times in Beidaihe. Four at the Beijing Botanical Gardens. Two at Temple of Heaven Park.
Eurasian Collared Dove
Heard a couple of times, Beidaihe.
Oriental Scops Dove
Corpse found on the ridge road, Fragrant Hills. Looked more like a shooting victim than roadkill. :-C
Common Kingfisher
Individuals seen twice at the wetland centre. One each at the Beijing Botanical Gardens and Miyun.
1-2 seen daily at the Friendship Hotel.
Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker
1-2 seen daily at the wetland centre.
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Singles seen fairly frequently Beidaihe, one heard at the Beijing Botanical Gardens, one at Miyun.
Grey-headed Woodpecker
Singles seen several times at the wetland centre and Friendship Hotel. One each at the Beijing Botanical Gardens and Miyun.
Chinese Grey Shrike
Three seen at Miyun – they are big!!
Azure-winged Magpie
Very common round Beijing, none seen Beidaihe. IOC splits from Iberian (Azure-winged) Magpie.
Red-billed Blue Magpie
Parties seen daily Beidaihe at e.g. the wetland centre, the Friendship Hotel, Lighthouse Point, small numbers Miyun, Baihe.
Common Magpie
Very common throughout.
Daurian Jackdaw
Hundreds seen migrating over Fragrant Hills. Smaller numbers over Temple of Heaven.
Several seen mixed in with the flocks of Jackdaws.
Carrion Crow
A potential split as Oriental Crow.
According to Paul, 18 of these flew over Miyun, most of which I saw, but I wouldn’t have known to be honest. All crows which I saw well (elsewhere) were the following species.
Large-billed Crow
Common round Beijing including perching on the roof of my hotel, none seen Beidaihe.
Eastern Great Tit
aka Japanese Tit. Common throughout. Not a universally recognised split.
Yellow-bellied Tit
Small parties seen Beidaihe most days, Friendship Hotel, wetland centre etc. ~10 at at the Beijing Botanical Gardens.
Marsh Tit
1-2 seen daily at the wetland centre. ~5 seen at the Beijing Botanical Gardens, 1 Baihe.
Songar Tit
A pair seen from the wall at Mutianyu. On the basis of genetic evidence local ssp. stoetzneri is now included in Willow Tit by IOC with only a monotypic P.weigoldicus split as Sichuan Tit. Incidentally the Brazil guide indicates that ordinary black-capped Willow Tits (ssp. baicalensis) are present in Beijing/Hebei but this is not the case according to Paul and Terry! And indeed if IOC are correct that stoetzneri and baicalensis are different ssp. within the same species it’s hard to see how they could both occur in the same area.
Chinese Penduline Tit
5 flyovers at Miyun.
Barn Swallow
Small parties over the sandflats on 2 occasions, 1 at Miyun.
Long-tailed Tit
A party of 5 seen Miyun. Also heard Beijing Botanical Gardens & Mutianyu. Attractive local ssp. vinaceus split as part of Silver-throated Tit by IOC, however neither vinaceus nor the other ssp. included in the split (glaucogularis) is illustrated in the Brazil guide.
Mongolian Lark
A party of 5 landed briefly on the sandflats, 11/10, 1 at Miyun.
Eurasian Skylark
Regular overhead migrant Beidaihe, particularly large passage on the morning of 11/10. Also good numbers migrating through Beijing region, one brave individual briefly touched down in a courtyard of the Forbidden City.
Chinese Hill Warbler
About 10 seen/heard Fragrant Hills, about 4 (incl. 2 seen very well) Miyun, also seen/heard Baihe and Mutianyu.
Chinese Bulbul
Fairly common throughout.
Korean Bush Warbler
1 mega-skulker seen just inside the entrance of the wetland centre 08/10.
Another taxonomic puzzler. The field guide separates a mainland species comprising two subspp; northern borealis (the taxon that should migrate through Beidaihe) and southern canturians, from an island species, Japanese Bush Warbler Cettia diphone, ranging from Sakhalin to the Iwo Is. But this treatment isn’t seemingly adopted by any of the world lists. IOC and John Boyd separate borealis as Manchurian Bush Warbler but lump canturians into diphone. Clements rather confusingly lumps borealis into diphone but splits canturians as a separate species, named “Manchurian Bush Warbler”. They compensate for this strange name by listing confusing, overlapping ranges for borealis and canturians which no-one else seems to agree with. BLI splits the various populations the same way as Clements but uses the ranges as per IOC. This results in a species described as “Manchurian” despite occurring exclusively south of Beijing. Howard & Moore lumps the whole lot together as Japanese Bush Warbler
Add in controversy over whether the spp. belong in Cettia or Horornis, plus the possibility some of the different island forms may be separate spp. and you have a very confusing situation! Anyway, the important thing is I saw one!
Pallas’s Grasshopper Warbler
1 scraggy individual seen briefly at Miyun, identified by Paul. My impression was that it was a bedraggled Dunnock so no tick for me!
Thick-billed Warbler
1 seen at the wetland centre, 10/10.
Black-browed Reed Warbler
1-2 most days Beidaihe, about 15 in the reedbeds at the top end of the boardwalk by the sandflats, 12/10. 1 seen, several heard at Miyun.
Dusky Warbler
Common round Beidaihe, one heard at Miyun.
Radde’s Warbler
One from the southern boardwalk 08/10, five each at the Friendship Hotel and the orchard 09/10, two at the Friendship Hotel 11/10.
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler
Very common throughout, sometimes in loose flocks.
Hume’s Warbler
One possible/probable seen Fragrant Hills, with grey crown and buff wingbar. At the time I wrote it off as a weird yellow-browed as I didn’t consider Hume’s a possibility in the region but looking at photos etc. I’m more convinced.
Yellow-browed Warbler
Very common Beidaihe and smaller numbers Beijing.
Plain Laughingthrush
~20 seen/heard Fragrant Hills, smaller numbers Miyun, Baihe, Mutianyu
Vinous-throated Parrotbill
Flock of about 30-40 birds seen daily at the wetland centre, additional flocks at the Beijing Botanical Gardens, Miyun, Baihe, Mutianyu (seen well from the wall).
Chestnut-flanked White-eye
Flyover White-eyes seen/heard fairly frequently Beidaihe (plus a few Beijing), in terms of closer views of perched birds just 2 individuals seen by the southern boardwalk 07/10 and one at Lighthouse point, 09/10
Winter Wren
One seen wetland centre 08/10. Judging by Terry and Paul’s reactions when I told them this was the biggest rarity I saw in Beidaihe :smoke:
Chinese Nuthatch
Two pairs round the plaza in front of the Wofo temple at the Beijing Botanical Gardens, 1 pair near the top of the toboggan run(!) Mutianyu.
Crested Myna
3 seen in the outer courtyard of the Forbidden City. An introduced exotic sp. in Beijing.
White-cheeked Starling
One at Pigeon’s Nest Park, 07/10. Flocks of ~20 at the Beijing Botanical Gardens and ~10 Miyun.
White’s Thrush
One fossicking in the rubbish in the woods at Lighthouse point, 08-09/10. Awesome bird!
Grey-backed Thrush
Small numbers seen at the Friendship Hotel or the wetland centre on a number of days.
Eurasian Blackbird
~50 seen at the Beijing Botanical Gardens, not seen elsewhere. Chinese Blackbird T. mandarinus mooted as a potential split and certainly seemed quite distinctive in terms of structure, voice and behaviour.
Dusky Thrush
Two different individuals seen at the Friendship Hotel, 07-08/10 and 11/10. I couldn’t absolutely rule out hybrid influence from Naumann’s Thrush but at least the first individual looked pretty pure. Small numbers of unidentified Dusky/Naumann’s skulking in the undergrowth at the Fragrant Hills, and flying over Miyun.
Two by the sandflats 07/10, one at the Friendship Hotel 08/10, one at the sandflats 12/10.
Siberian Rubythroat
One male at Lighthouse point 08/10 a little after seeing the White’s Thrush. Also one probable seen diving into cover at the Friendship Hotel 09/10.
Red-flanked Bluetail
Common in suitable habitat Beidaihe, up to 20 daily. One at the Beijing Botanical Gardens, 2 Temple of Heaven Park.
Daurian Redstart
Up to 5 daily, Beidaihe. One each at the Beijing Botanical Gardens and Temple of Heaven Park.
Plumbeous Redstart
One male seen Baihe.
Siberian Stonechat
~10 perching up in the reedbeds by the southern boardwalk most days. Also one at Lighthouse point 09/10. Local form stejnegeri, split by IOC as Stejneger’s Stonechat.
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Individuals seen at the Friendship Hotel 09/10 and 11/10.
Taiga Flycatcher
Five individuals seen at the Friendship Hotel or the wetland centre between 09-11/10.
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Abundant and ubiquitous.
Siberian Accentor
Small numbers seen/heard Fragrant Hills, Miyun, Baihe.
Eastern Yellow Wagtail
Several flyovers seen/heard Beidaihe. Just one grounded individual seen on the sandflats on 07/10, luckily an adult male tschutschensis/”simillima”. Another species with confusing taxonomy, for example division of the various east Asian subspp. between Western and Eastern Yellow Wagtail is quite different between IOC and Clements. Tschutschensis is included in Eastern by both authorities, however the split is not recognised by BOU, so as an adherent of theirs I can’t tick it anyway!!
White Wagtail
Up to 20 seen daily at the sandflats, either flyover or grounded. Commonest subsp. ocularis with good numbers of leucopsis also seen, plus a single baicalensis on 12/10. Dutch Birding splits all 3 as East Siberian, Amur and Baikal Wagtails respectively!
Richard’s Pipit
One flyover heard at the Orchard 07/10.
Olive-backed Pipit
Flyovers seen/heard regularly Beidaihe, only two grounded individuals seen in a sparse plantation along the edge of the wetland centre, 11/10. Also small numbers over Fragrant Hills and Miyun.
Buff-bellied Pipit
Occasional flyovers seen/heard Beidaihe. One seen at on the ground at the sandflats 07/10 and a loose flock of about 5 at the same location 12/10. Hundreds over Miyun.
Water Pipit
Several overhead Miyun, one seen well perched in a small tree. Local ssp. is the rather pale blakistoni. Apparently commoner in the region that the Brazil guide would suggest.
Large flocks (100-200) over Fragrant Hills and Miyun.
Oriental Greenfinch
One seen well at Temple of Heaven Park, ~20 flyovers Miyun.
Eurasian Siskin
Two flyovers each Miyun and Mutianyu.
Common Rosefinch
One female seen amongst the buntings, Miyun.
Chinese Grosbeak
A loose flock of about 20, Temple of Heaven Park.
Pine Bunting
A flock of about 20 revealed themselves when flying off from a maize field at Miyun, shortly before this one male had perched briefly in a tree.
Godlewski’s Bunting
~8 seen Baihe.
Meadow Bunting
3-4 seen Miyun. A few others heard.
Tristram’s Bunting
At least 1-2 seen most days Beidaihe (plus numerous bunting sp. which may have been this sp. or any of several others – East Asian buntings are hard!!), also one seen at the Beijing Botanical Gardens. Very shy and quite hard to ID, has a very bright rufous (almost tomato red) rump/tail however.
Chestnut-eared Bunting
2 males seen at Pigeon’s Nest Park, 07/10.
Little Bunting
3 individuals seen around Beidaihe between 09-12/10. Much commoner round Beijing, more than 100 Miyun, about 20 Baihe.
Yellow-browed Bunting
1 at the wetland centre 10/10.
Elegant Bunting
1-2 seen daily Beidaihe, Friendship Hotel, wetland centre etc. ~12 at the Beijing Botanical Gardens and ~5 Miyun. Much easier to ID than most East Asian Buntings!
Black-faced Bunting
1-2 seen most days Beidaihe, only a couple of adult males seen briefly, female types quite non-descript and hard to ID.
Pallas’s Reed Bunting
Fairly common in the reedbeds at the north and south ends of the boardwalk in Beidaihe. Very common (~100) Miyun.
Japanese Reed Bunting
Checking through Inna’s photos we found we had overlooked one in amongst Pallas’s at Pigeon’s Nest Park. In my defence it was my first day dealing with East Asian buntings…
For the sake of completeness the following species were seen/heard by my companions at Miyun whilst I was somehow otherwise engaged…
Falcated Duck, Northern Shoveler, Baer’s/Ferruginous Pochard, Asian Short-toed Lark, Zitting Cisticola, Common Starling, Common Reed Bunting, Lapland Bunting
Not too many…
Siberian Weasel
One seen at the wetland centre, 08/10.
Raccoon Dog
Sadly, one individual trapped in a snare on the steep hillside at Baihe.:-C
Red Squirrel
4 blackish individuals seen at the Beijing Botanical Gardens. These are apparently not native to the area, and are rather descended from escaped pets..
Pere David’s Rock Squirrel
One seen Fragrant Hills.
some of you may have seen my thread searching for inspiration for this trip, well in the end despite a few minor logistic hiccups i had a great time. Species richness is probably lower than in May or September but still lots of interesting resident/migrant/wintering species to be seen!
Thanks to everyone who helped out but especially the awesome Jean Wang in Beidaihe (indispensable!) and BFs own Terry Townshend in Beijing.
If anyone needs any more info about anything will be very happy to help!
06/10/13 Arrive Beijing, travel directly to Beidaihe (staying at the Beidaihe International Club Hotel)
07-11/10/13 Beidaihe (with Shenyang-based American birder Inna Smith on 7th, otherwise alone)
12/10/13 Birding Beidaihe early morning, return to Beijing for conference starting 1330
13-15/10/13 At conference (no birding :C)
16/10/13 All day at Beijing Botanical Gardens & Fragrant Hills
17/10/13 Central Beijing; in morning sightseeing hutongs, Tian’anmen Sq, Forbidden City etc., afternoon at Temple of Heaven Park
18/10/13 Miyun Reservoir with Terry Townshend, Paul Holt and Ben Wielstra
19/10/13 Morning at Baihe Wetland Park, afternoon at the Great Wall at Mutianyu
20/10/13 Return home
Sites listed North to South. I only visited sites in town so no Lotus Hills, Yanghe estuary etc. For info Jin Shan field is not currently accessible.
Wetland Bird Reserve
Large, very quiet site on the north bank of the Xinhe river/reservoir. Permit for access is 50 Yuan arranged through Jean Wang. Entrance gate is just across the road from the International Club, unfortunately this was barricaded a couple of times early morning. Large complex of ponds which were unfortunately rather useless for wetland birds (too deep?); these are traversed by various boardwalks which I didn’t bother with much. There is a long triangular path round the outside of the reserve, this passes through some nice woods with scrubby understory and some more open landscaped or agricultural areas. One side of the triangle runs alongside the river, which had some ducks, herons etc. although there are large areas of reeds where the birds can go missing. Visited on 3 days.
The Sandflats
Vast area of beach with a huge and somewhat unpredictable tidal range, excellent for shorebirds, gulls etc.. From opposite the International Club south the entire area is fenced off so disturbance is minimal. A boardwalk runs the whole length. At the northern end this passes between some woods and scrub on the landward side and a small reedbed on the seaward side. Further south just a few small patches of reeds and bushes along its length. The boardwalk is a good vantage point for vis mig. Visited once or twice daily.
Southern Boardwalk/Pigeon’s Nest Park
The boardwalk carries on south of the Xinhe river bridge but the character is somewhat different as it passes through ornamental woods and past areas of saltmarsh and a large reedbed. The popular/ludicrous tourist attraction Pigeon’s Nest Park is an extension of this area, entrance 25 Yuan or thereabouts. Southern boardwalk walked once or twice on each of the full days, Pigeon’s Nest just once.
The Orchard
A large walled area of allotments in the midst of various hotels etc. Seems to have nice potential but I didn’t see anything there that I didn’t also see elsewhere. Visited twice.
Friendship Hotel
Large hotel grounds, mix of landscaped areas with trees, flowerbeds and open understory, plus rougher areas, allotments etc. Most productive areas in north west (turn left immediately as you go in the main gate) and the far eastern end near the Friendship Club. Visited on each of the full days.
Lighthouse Point
Unlike the immaculately tidy remainder of Beidaihe, this area is a dump, both literally and figuratively. Also that’s what some of the locals take there, so watch where you are stepping! This is a narrow strip of woods and scrub between the launching area for the local fishing fleet and the back gardens of various villas. Some very nice birds but a bit unpredictable. I think it was previously possible to get round further onto a more open bushy area at the end of the point, but not any more. Visited three times.
Beijing Botanical Gardens/Fragrant Hills
Very attractive park on the northwest edge of Beijing city. The gardens themselves are mostly a mix of planted bushes and large trees but with some wilder areas, a few ponds etc. You can climb out of the top end of the gardens up to the ridge of the Fragrant Hills, this area covered in dry deciduous forest and scrub, also good for raptor and other visible migration.
Temple of Heaven Park
Highly landscaped park in the centre of the city, lawns and geometrically perfect ranks of trees. Still lots of birds, I guess attracted to such a large oasis of green in the midst of a giant urban area.
Miyun Reservoir
We visited two sites (Hou Ba Jia Zhuang and Yongle Cun) on the south and north shores of the eastern corner of this huge reservoir. Variety of habitats incl. open water, extensive reed beds, maize, peanut and stubble fields etc.
Baihe Wetland Park
River with reed beds and gravel beaches, spits etc. passing between steep rocky hillsides in the hills north of Beijing. A well-known site for Ibisbill but unfortunately I didn’t see any…
Heavily visited part of the Great Wall, set in beautiful forest, not really a birding site but there’s always a chance of seeing something good.
Species order, taxonomy etc. follows Birds of East Asia by Mark Brazil (very good, although I’ve indicated below some areas where it’s a bit misleading). For information I’ve included all species which I personally saw or heard regardless of whether views were in my estimation untickable.
Japanese Quail
4-5 flushed at Miyun, some good flight views. 1 bird flushed at Beidaihe Wetland Centre on 10/10 probably this sp. but maybe Yellow-legged Buttonquail? Seemed quite rusty coloured.
Ring-necked Pheasant
Small numbers seen/heard various sites round Beidaihe, Miyun, Mutianyu etc.
Bean Goose
4 in flight at Miyun, 1 grey goose sp. seen flying past the sandflats on 12/10 probably this sp.
Common Shelduck
~10 offshore at the sandflats, 07/10
Mandarin Duck
Flock of ~20 females seen in flight along the river at Beidaihe Wetland Reserve, 11/10. One female seen Miyun.
~40 at Miyun.
Eurasian Wigeon
6 at Miyun.
Fairly common, sandflats, wetland centre, Miyun, Baihe etc.
Eastern Spot-billed Duck
Common Miyun, also ~10 daily at the wetland centre, 4 at Baihe.
Baikal Teal
At Miyun a large but very distant flock of “teal” which would periodically fly around in unison contained good numbers of this species according to Paul.
Eurasian Teal
~5 daily at the sandflats, common at Miyun.
Common Pochard
1 fem offshore at the sandflats, 11/10. 2 males at Miyun.
Tufted Duck
1 male offshore at the sandflats, 11/10. 5 at Miyun.
Common Goldeneye
1 female Miyun.
Red-breasted Merganser
1 fem offshore at the sandflats, 10-11/10.
Little Grebe
~5 daily at the sandflats. Also common Miyun, 5 each at the Botanical Gardens and Baihe. Local form is the yellow-eyed poggei.
Great Crested Grebe
1 at the sandflats, 10/10. Common Miyun.
Eurasian Bittern
2+ seen in flight, Miyun.
Chinese Pond Heron
1 injured individual at the wetland centre, 11/10.
Grey Heron
~5 daily at the sandflats, 4 at Miyun, 1 Baihe.
Great White Egret
Common round Beidaihe. Very popular with photographers! Not sure whether western (alba) or eastern (modesta) or both incipient spp. present.
Little Egret
Common round Beidaihe.
Great Cormorant
~10 daily at the sandflats, plus flyby migrants which may have been this sp. or Temminck’s. 1 at Miyun.
Eurasian Kestrel
1-2 seen at the sandflats on a couple of occasions. 1 seen from my hotel bedroom, central Beijing, 14/10.
Amur Falcon
At least one seen Beidaihe 07/10. ~30 over 09/10.
1 female gave several flybys at Miyun.
Northern Hobby
Small numbers overhead at Beidaihe daily.
Saker Falcon
Pair seen circling high over Baihe valley.
Peregrine Falcon
1 at the sandflats, 09/10
Eastern Marsh Harrier
About 3 fem/imms seen Miyun.
Hen Harrier
1 harrier in dense early morning smog at the sandflats 10/10 maybe this sp. 2 ringtails seen Miyun.
Eurasian Sparrowhawk
Singles over Beidaihe 07 & 11/10. Three migrants over Fragrant Hills, one each Miyun and Baihe.
Northern Goshawk
One migrating over the Fragrant Hills.
Eastern Buzzard
1-2 daily at the wetland centre. 1 each Fragrant Hills, Miyun and Baihe. Not a universally recognised split.
Greater Spotted Eagle
1 seen Miyun, just a dark, but distinctively shaped silhouette through the smog..
Eastern Water Rail
2 seen at close range at the northern end of the sandflats, 12/10.
Common Moorhen
2-3 daily at the wetland centre. 5 at Miyun.
Common Coot
1 at the wetland centre, 10/10. Very common Miyun.
White-naped Crane
13 seen at Miyun, all rather distant.
Common Crane
2 close overhead at Miyun.
Red-crowned Crane
1 seen very distantly and through dense smog at Miyun. Still a beautiful and distinctive bird! Very lucky to see this one as only the 2nd record for Beijing.
Northern Lapwing
Flock of 17 at the sandflats, 12/10.
Pacific Golden Plover
~10 daily at the sandflats.
Grey Plover
~20 daily at the sandflats.
Little Ringed Plover
~10 daily at the sandflats.
Kentish Plover
100+ daily at the sandflats.
Eurasian Woodcock
1 at the Friendship Hotel, 09-10/10.
Bar-tailed Godwit
~20 daily at the sandflats.
Eurasian Curlew
~5 daily at the sandflats.
Far Eastern Curlew
1-2 daily at the sandflats.
Spotted Redshank
1 seen a couple of times at the sandflats, 1 at Miyun.
Marsh Sandpiper
1 seen at the sandflats, conveniently with a bunch of Greenshanks for comparison, 12/10.
Common Greenshank
~20 daily at the sandflats.
Green Sandpiper
2 at the wetland centre, 10/10.
Great Knot
1-2 seen several times at the sandflats. Normally very distant but seen at close range in the high tide roost 10/10.
Red-necked Stint
~20 daily at the sandflats.
Curlew Sandpiper
1 seen at the sandflats 07/10.
~20 daily at the sandflats.
Black-tailed Gull
~50 daily at the sandflats and elsewhere round the coast at Beidaihe.
Common Gull
~50 daily at the sandflats.
Vega/Mongolian Gull
~50 daily at the sandflats, 2 at Miyun. According to Paul and Terry Mongolian is the default sp. but truthfully I’ve no idea which I was seeing.. thankfully for tick-hungry types like me these taxa are lumped together by most authorities, although Clements treats them as subspecies of Herring and Caspian Gull respectively. Incidentally BOU treat both as subspecies of “American Herring Gull” – not the greatest choice of name really! One of several taxonomic/nomenclatural tangles in the region seemingly.
Heuglin’s Gull
2 adults at the sandflats 07/10. Mantle colour maybe a touch paler than a British LBBG, yellow-orange legs. Not sure if heuglini or taimyrensis (whatever the merits of that particular taxon). Most authorities lump with LBBG, Dutch Birding split both Heuglin’s and Taimyr Gulls!
Relict Gull
An immature (2cy?) gave a brief flyby at a beach south of Pigeon’s Nest Park, 07/10.
Black-Headed Gull
Very common Beidaihe and Miyun.
Saunders’s Gull
1 slightly scraggly adult daily at the sandflats. Normally very close to the boardwalk regardless of the state of the tide.
Rock Dove
Feral pigeon common throughout.
Hill Pigeon
A flock of 23 on the cliffs above the road at Baihe.
Oriental Turtle Dove
In Beidaihe about 5 daily at the wetland centre, the Friendship Hotel etc. About 5 at the Beijing Botanical Gardens.
Spotted Dove
Singles noted several times in Beidaihe. Four at the Beijing Botanical Gardens. Two at Temple of Heaven Park.
Eurasian Collared Dove
Heard a couple of times, Beidaihe.
Oriental Scops Dove
Corpse found on the ridge road, Fragrant Hills. Looked more like a shooting victim than roadkill. :-C
Common Kingfisher
Individuals seen twice at the wetland centre. One each at the Beijing Botanical Gardens and Miyun.
1-2 seen daily at the Friendship Hotel.
Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker
1-2 seen daily at the wetland centre.
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Singles seen fairly frequently Beidaihe, one heard at the Beijing Botanical Gardens, one at Miyun.
Grey-headed Woodpecker
Singles seen several times at the wetland centre and Friendship Hotel. One each at the Beijing Botanical Gardens and Miyun.
Chinese Grey Shrike
Three seen at Miyun – they are big!!
Azure-winged Magpie
Very common round Beijing, none seen Beidaihe. IOC splits from Iberian (Azure-winged) Magpie.
Red-billed Blue Magpie
Parties seen daily Beidaihe at e.g. the wetland centre, the Friendship Hotel, Lighthouse Point, small numbers Miyun, Baihe.
Common Magpie
Very common throughout.
Daurian Jackdaw
Hundreds seen migrating over Fragrant Hills. Smaller numbers over Temple of Heaven.
Several seen mixed in with the flocks of Jackdaws.
Carrion Crow
A potential split as Oriental Crow.
According to Paul, 18 of these flew over Miyun, most of which I saw, but I wouldn’t have known to be honest. All crows which I saw well (elsewhere) were the following species.
Large-billed Crow
Common round Beijing including perching on the roof of my hotel, none seen Beidaihe.
Eastern Great Tit
aka Japanese Tit. Common throughout. Not a universally recognised split.
Yellow-bellied Tit
Small parties seen Beidaihe most days, Friendship Hotel, wetland centre etc. ~10 at at the Beijing Botanical Gardens.
Marsh Tit
1-2 seen daily at the wetland centre. ~5 seen at the Beijing Botanical Gardens, 1 Baihe.
Songar Tit
A pair seen from the wall at Mutianyu. On the basis of genetic evidence local ssp. stoetzneri is now included in Willow Tit by IOC with only a monotypic P.weigoldicus split as Sichuan Tit. Incidentally the Brazil guide indicates that ordinary black-capped Willow Tits (ssp. baicalensis) are present in Beijing/Hebei but this is not the case according to Paul and Terry! And indeed if IOC are correct that stoetzneri and baicalensis are different ssp. within the same species it’s hard to see how they could both occur in the same area.
Chinese Penduline Tit
5 flyovers at Miyun.
Barn Swallow
Small parties over the sandflats on 2 occasions, 1 at Miyun.
Long-tailed Tit
A party of 5 seen Miyun. Also heard Beijing Botanical Gardens & Mutianyu. Attractive local ssp. vinaceus split as part of Silver-throated Tit by IOC, however neither vinaceus nor the other ssp. included in the split (glaucogularis) is illustrated in the Brazil guide.
Mongolian Lark
A party of 5 landed briefly on the sandflats, 11/10, 1 at Miyun.
Eurasian Skylark
Regular overhead migrant Beidaihe, particularly large passage on the morning of 11/10. Also good numbers migrating through Beijing region, one brave individual briefly touched down in a courtyard of the Forbidden City.
Chinese Hill Warbler
About 10 seen/heard Fragrant Hills, about 4 (incl. 2 seen very well) Miyun, also seen/heard Baihe and Mutianyu.
Chinese Bulbul
Fairly common throughout.
Korean Bush Warbler
1 mega-skulker seen just inside the entrance of the wetland centre 08/10.
Another taxonomic puzzler. The field guide separates a mainland species comprising two subspp; northern borealis (the taxon that should migrate through Beidaihe) and southern canturians, from an island species, Japanese Bush Warbler Cettia diphone, ranging from Sakhalin to the Iwo Is. But this treatment isn’t seemingly adopted by any of the world lists. IOC and John Boyd separate borealis as Manchurian Bush Warbler but lump canturians into diphone. Clements rather confusingly lumps borealis into diphone but splits canturians as a separate species, named “Manchurian Bush Warbler”. They compensate for this strange name by listing confusing, overlapping ranges for borealis and canturians which no-one else seems to agree with. BLI splits the various populations the same way as Clements but uses the ranges as per IOC. This results in a species described as “Manchurian” despite occurring exclusively south of Beijing. Howard & Moore lumps the whole lot together as Japanese Bush Warbler
Add in controversy over whether the spp. belong in Cettia or Horornis, plus the possibility some of the different island forms may be separate spp. and you have a very confusing situation! Anyway, the important thing is I saw one!
Pallas’s Grasshopper Warbler
1 scraggy individual seen briefly at Miyun, identified by Paul. My impression was that it was a bedraggled Dunnock so no tick for me!
Thick-billed Warbler
1 seen at the wetland centre, 10/10.
Black-browed Reed Warbler
1-2 most days Beidaihe, about 15 in the reedbeds at the top end of the boardwalk by the sandflats, 12/10. 1 seen, several heard at Miyun.
Dusky Warbler
Common round Beidaihe, one heard at Miyun.
Radde’s Warbler
One from the southern boardwalk 08/10, five each at the Friendship Hotel and the orchard 09/10, two at the Friendship Hotel 11/10.
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler
Very common throughout, sometimes in loose flocks.
Hume’s Warbler
One possible/probable seen Fragrant Hills, with grey crown and buff wingbar. At the time I wrote it off as a weird yellow-browed as I didn’t consider Hume’s a possibility in the region but looking at photos etc. I’m more convinced.
Yellow-browed Warbler
Very common Beidaihe and smaller numbers Beijing.
Plain Laughingthrush
~20 seen/heard Fragrant Hills, smaller numbers Miyun, Baihe, Mutianyu
Vinous-throated Parrotbill
Flock of about 30-40 birds seen daily at the wetland centre, additional flocks at the Beijing Botanical Gardens, Miyun, Baihe, Mutianyu (seen well from the wall).
Chestnut-flanked White-eye
Flyover White-eyes seen/heard fairly frequently Beidaihe (plus a few Beijing), in terms of closer views of perched birds just 2 individuals seen by the southern boardwalk 07/10 and one at Lighthouse point, 09/10
Winter Wren
One seen wetland centre 08/10. Judging by Terry and Paul’s reactions when I told them this was the biggest rarity I saw in Beidaihe :smoke:
Chinese Nuthatch
Two pairs round the plaza in front of the Wofo temple at the Beijing Botanical Gardens, 1 pair near the top of the toboggan run(!) Mutianyu.
Crested Myna
3 seen in the outer courtyard of the Forbidden City. An introduced exotic sp. in Beijing.
White-cheeked Starling
One at Pigeon’s Nest Park, 07/10. Flocks of ~20 at the Beijing Botanical Gardens and ~10 Miyun.
White’s Thrush
One fossicking in the rubbish in the woods at Lighthouse point, 08-09/10. Awesome bird!
Grey-backed Thrush
Small numbers seen at the Friendship Hotel or the wetland centre on a number of days.
Eurasian Blackbird
~50 seen at the Beijing Botanical Gardens, not seen elsewhere. Chinese Blackbird T. mandarinus mooted as a potential split and certainly seemed quite distinctive in terms of structure, voice and behaviour.
Dusky Thrush
Two different individuals seen at the Friendship Hotel, 07-08/10 and 11/10. I couldn’t absolutely rule out hybrid influence from Naumann’s Thrush but at least the first individual looked pretty pure. Small numbers of unidentified Dusky/Naumann’s skulking in the undergrowth at the Fragrant Hills, and flying over Miyun.
Two by the sandflats 07/10, one at the Friendship Hotel 08/10, one at the sandflats 12/10.
Siberian Rubythroat
One male at Lighthouse point 08/10 a little after seeing the White’s Thrush. Also one probable seen diving into cover at the Friendship Hotel 09/10.
Red-flanked Bluetail
Common in suitable habitat Beidaihe, up to 20 daily. One at the Beijing Botanical Gardens, 2 Temple of Heaven Park.
Daurian Redstart
Up to 5 daily, Beidaihe. One each at the Beijing Botanical Gardens and Temple of Heaven Park.
Plumbeous Redstart
One male seen Baihe.
Siberian Stonechat
~10 perching up in the reedbeds by the southern boardwalk most days. Also one at Lighthouse point 09/10. Local form stejnegeri, split by IOC as Stejneger’s Stonechat.
Asian Brown Flycatcher
Individuals seen at the Friendship Hotel 09/10 and 11/10.
Taiga Flycatcher
Five individuals seen at the Friendship Hotel or the wetland centre between 09-11/10.
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Abundant and ubiquitous.
Siberian Accentor
Small numbers seen/heard Fragrant Hills, Miyun, Baihe.
Eastern Yellow Wagtail
Several flyovers seen/heard Beidaihe. Just one grounded individual seen on the sandflats on 07/10, luckily an adult male tschutschensis/”simillima”. Another species with confusing taxonomy, for example division of the various east Asian subspp. between Western and Eastern Yellow Wagtail is quite different between IOC and Clements. Tschutschensis is included in Eastern by both authorities, however the split is not recognised by BOU, so as an adherent of theirs I can’t tick it anyway!!
White Wagtail
Up to 20 seen daily at the sandflats, either flyover or grounded. Commonest subsp. ocularis with good numbers of leucopsis also seen, plus a single baicalensis on 12/10. Dutch Birding splits all 3 as East Siberian, Amur and Baikal Wagtails respectively!
Richard’s Pipit
One flyover heard at the Orchard 07/10.
Olive-backed Pipit
Flyovers seen/heard regularly Beidaihe, only two grounded individuals seen in a sparse plantation along the edge of the wetland centre, 11/10. Also small numbers over Fragrant Hills and Miyun.
Buff-bellied Pipit
Occasional flyovers seen/heard Beidaihe. One seen at on the ground at the sandflats 07/10 and a loose flock of about 5 at the same location 12/10. Hundreds over Miyun.
Water Pipit
Several overhead Miyun, one seen well perched in a small tree. Local ssp. is the rather pale blakistoni. Apparently commoner in the region that the Brazil guide would suggest.
Large flocks (100-200) over Fragrant Hills and Miyun.
Oriental Greenfinch
One seen well at Temple of Heaven Park, ~20 flyovers Miyun.
Eurasian Siskin
Two flyovers each Miyun and Mutianyu.
Common Rosefinch
One female seen amongst the buntings, Miyun.
Chinese Grosbeak
A loose flock of about 20, Temple of Heaven Park.
Pine Bunting
A flock of about 20 revealed themselves when flying off from a maize field at Miyun, shortly before this one male had perched briefly in a tree.
Godlewski’s Bunting
~8 seen Baihe.
Meadow Bunting
3-4 seen Miyun. A few others heard.
Tristram’s Bunting
At least 1-2 seen most days Beidaihe (plus numerous bunting sp. which may have been this sp. or any of several others – East Asian buntings are hard!!), also one seen at the Beijing Botanical Gardens. Very shy and quite hard to ID, has a very bright rufous (almost tomato red) rump/tail however.
Chestnut-eared Bunting
2 males seen at Pigeon’s Nest Park, 07/10.
Little Bunting
3 individuals seen around Beidaihe between 09-12/10. Much commoner round Beijing, more than 100 Miyun, about 20 Baihe.
Yellow-browed Bunting
1 at the wetland centre 10/10.
Elegant Bunting
1-2 seen daily Beidaihe, Friendship Hotel, wetland centre etc. ~12 at the Beijing Botanical Gardens and ~5 Miyun. Much easier to ID than most East Asian Buntings!
Black-faced Bunting
1-2 seen most days Beidaihe, only a couple of adult males seen briefly, female types quite non-descript and hard to ID.
Pallas’s Reed Bunting
Fairly common in the reedbeds at the north and south ends of the boardwalk in Beidaihe. Very common (~100) Miyun.
Japanese Reed Bunting
Checking through Inna’s photos we found we had overlooked one in amongst Pallas’s at Pigeon’s Nest Park. In my defence it was my first day dealing with East Asian buntings…
For the sake of completeness the following species were seen/heard by my companions at Miyun whilst I was somehow otherwise engaged…
Falcated Duck, Northern Shoveler, Baer’s/Ferruginous Pochard, Asian Short-toed Lark, Zitting Cisticola, Common Starling, Common Reed Bunting, Lapland Bunting
Not too many…
Siberian Weasel
One seen at the wetland centre, 08/10.
Raccoon Dog
Sadly, one individual trapped in a snare on the steep hillside at Baihe.:-C
Red Squirrel
4 blackish individuals seen at the Beijing Botanical Gardens. These are apparently not native to the area, and are rather descended from escaped pets..
Pere David’s Rock Squirrel
One seen Fragrant Hills.
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