During a recent visit to Queensland, I saw among a lot of other birds, an Australian Reed Warbler, which supposedly was a Clamorous RW split. When I came home, I got a little confused, because both a Clamorous and an Australian RW was available for ticking off in my database. Is this because the CRW has been seen in AU, or is it some confusion with regards to acceptance of this split, or confusion of the person maintaining the database? The database is built on the Clements list and sold by Santa Barbara Software products.
A similar question can be raised about banded stilt (or white-headed stilt?) Haemantopus leucocephalus or Cladorhyncus l. Which common and scientific name is actually currently recognized and by whom?
A similar question can be raised about banded stilt (or white-headed stilt?) Haemantopus leucocephalus or Cladorhyncus l. Which common and scientific name is actually currently recognized and by whom?