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Clearing overgrown garden (1 Viewer)


New member
United Kingdom
Hi, I am new and seen do not ask questions on the hello site, This is about a robins nest too so sorry if I am in the wrong place and no help. I hope you do not mind if I ask my question here.
I want to clear nettles on an adjacent overgrown second garden. This at one time was cultivated but has been neglected for years. nettles are fully grown. I cleared carefully but noticed a bird's nest so stopped We believe it to be a robins nest. I cannot see anything in the nest it may be old/ new or used I am not sure. When can I safely clear this site, I have time to wait and I love the birds. I get a lot of pigeons, collared doves, robins, tits, chaffinch jackdaws, and many others there are even red kites in the sky at times as we back onto farms and woodlands and wetlands so we do get duck/geese fly over too. I would like to reclaim a bit of this garden as the edge has nettles and we will soon have them in our gardens. Of course, we do already but remove them as soon as we see them but we don't want more. Can someone advise please thank you?
Hi again Nayshiftin - I've moved your post to the Gardening for Birds forum, which seems a bit more suitable.

If it were me, I'd leave the clearing up until the autumn, not just for the risk of disturbing any nests, but fledglings may be taking cover in there too, until they're strong enough to fly. Also butterflies need nettles to lay their eggs on, so if it's possible to leave a section of this area 'wild' you'd be helping wildlife in the wider sense (including birds who need the insects).

I'm sure others will be along to advise on other aspects too.
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