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College Lake Wildlife Centre (1 Viewer)

Went today, not been for some time. What a lovely site now with a coffee shop giving good views across the two lakes, and some nice new hides. They are celebrating a year of opening I understand?

Birds seen today - Lapwing, Kestrel, Hobby, Kingfisher, L R Plover and Chicks, Oyster Catcher, Sand Marten, Swift, Greylag Goose, Shoveller, G C Grebe, Cormorant, Chaffinch, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Common Sandpiper. we got there at 3 and only had 2 hours before the car park closed.

Coffee shop open 12 to 3 midweek. Nice site with good facilities and not many people.

30th May, 3 x Skylark, 1 Green Woodpecker seen from the Tump hide. 2 x Whitethroat seen from the Goodall(?) hide, apparently taking food into the pink rose bush on the edge of the orchard.

Paid another visit to College lake yesterday, first visit this year and what a joy it was!
The top meadow is full of wildflowers and I was sat there a good 2 hours just taking in the views and watching the larks rising and falling in full song.

The shots below are from yesterday and, while not featuring feathered subjects, give an idea of the beauty of the place this time of year. Also saw my first ever Bee Orchid, fo those with an interest in the flora. |:D|


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That top field is indeed a thing of beauty. I don't take too much notice of flowers and such like but the carpet and range of flowers and colours are just delightful.

9th December 2012, 1 x Male, 2 x Female Red Crested Pochard on site. Mandarin Duck x 4. 50 + Wigeon, 50 + Tufted Duck, Common Snipe, 5 x Fieldfare, Mallard aplenty, Mute swan, Gadwall, Lapwing, Cormorant, Coot, Moorhen, Pochard, Grey Heron, Long Tailed Tit, Blue Tit, Great Tit. Lovley bright day if a tad cold.

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