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Condors in Peru (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hi everyone,

Hoping to make it to Peru next year. Does anyone have any recommendations for sites to see and photograph condors?

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

another vote for the Colca Canyon. You can come across Condors in many places but they are guaranteed at eye level at the Colca canyon. It's a (far) daytrip from Arequipa (better stay at Chivay). There is no need to wake up early though, as the condors only start to fly from the moment it heats up a bit.

As a bonus, you have a roadside stake out for Diademed Sandpiper-plover at Patapampa (almost at the highest point on the road between Arequipa and Chivay), where I also had Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe and White-throated Sierra-finch. That road is one of the highest paved roads in the world and has a distinct 'moon' feeling. I also saw Vicunas from the bus.

I didn't see too many birds at the viewpoint in the canyon, except Giant hummer, Andean Hillstar and a very confiding Black-billed Shrike-tyrant singing.
Agree with Colca canyon, but to be sure of the best chance of the best views of Condor, I would advise not going on standard tour to see them unless you are sure they will stay long enough. The birds aren't always predictable.

If you don't have your own transport it's easy to get to on public transport. We got dropped off early and the birding was great before the hordes appeared, with a good variety of species. But perhaps more importantly for the Condors, most of the hordes were whisked away before the birds came close, because they were a bit later that day. We had them mindblowingly close, but only after most of the condor tour buses had left.
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