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Azan Khan

Well-known member
Hi everyone, hope all are well. Can you please help me ID it? And share reasons why (why not) it is a Red-billed Blue-Magpie/ or Yellow-billed Blue-Magpie?
I'd appreciate your valuable response to this post. Note: Red-billed Blue-Magpie hasn't been documented in Pakistan yet.

Kind regards,
Azan Karam


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I suspect that the white doesn't go high enough up onto the rear crown for red-billed blue magpie - and thus it would be a juvenile yellow-billed blue magpie.
I agree with Butty - apart form the extent of white on the crown, a juvenile Red-billed at this stage would probably have brighter, bluer upperparts and tail with a clean black head and red bill and legs. Underparts look quite dirty as well, not clean whitish as in Red-billed. The 4th image clearly shows yellow areas on the bill.

I see there are claimed sightings of Red-billed on eBird but no photos, which always makes me suspicious.
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